國立臺灣師範大學大眾傳播研究所王維菁蔡炯青陳炳宏2014-12-022014-12-022013/08-20http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/38070著作權法制是影響當代文化生產、文化市場與文化產業最重要的法律規範之一,而 其建制背後則是複雜的政治經濟建構與社會和文化意識型態之鬥爭。就影視產業而言, 著作權除主要制約影視內容之生產、流通與消費使用外,它更影響了影視產業上下游 間利潤與權力之再分配、產業市場之秩序與生態、以及更重要的,影視生產及影視消 費資源在國際間之流動,並進而影響一國之影視與文化發展。 而近年來因網際網路與傳播數位科技發展所浮現之新影視市場,也正挑戰既有影視 著作權市場之秩序與規範,使新影視著作權法制再度成為影視生產集團、公眾使用、 新科技資本、由科技定義的網際網路規則、政策與文化民主、以及國家和不同國家內 資本及上下游業者間之鬥爭、合作與相互建構之場域。因此,在新規範形塑的過程中, 本研究認為有必要重新思考、檢視在新影視著作權領域中,新科技、法律與市場三者 間之互動與相互建構,以釐清新影視著作權法制之真實面貌。故本研究將集焦於新傳 播科技對影視著作權法制與市場之挑戰、市場對影視著作權法律之影響、著作權法律 對新影視產業市場與科技發展之建構,以及上述過程最終對社會文化帶來之結果,並 據此提出未來規範發展的合理方向。 若更詳細地說明,亦即,本研究計畫探索新傳播科技發展對影視著作市場與規範之 影響,並回顧台灣新舊影視科技著作權法制化之歷史,以及著作權法制化對新影視產 業市場之影響,和該影響對影視資源之國際流動及對台灣影視文化消費與在地影視文 化發展之結果,最後,基於上述對影視科技、著作權法制、及影視市場三者間互動關 係之理解,以及對著作權法制化對在地影視產業與在地影視文化發展影響之考量,擬 提出一以建構公私利益平衡、影視資源國際平等流動、網路與資訊自由、合理分享與 使用、及政策與文化民主為目標之新影視著作權規範之可能建議方向。Copyright law is one of the most important law systems affecting contemporary cultural production, cultural markets, and cultural industry activities. The establishment of copyright law is strongly impacted by a complicated set of political economic effects and social and ideological struggles. In the audio-visual industry, copyright law not only affects audio-visual content production, distribution, and consumption, but also shapes the profit and power redistribution among upstream and downstream industries, influences industry and market order and ecology, and more importantly, impacts the flow of content production and consumption resources among countries and thus further affects a country’s cultural development. In recent years, due to the rise of the Internet and new digital communication technologies, a new audio-visual market has emerged. This new market challenges the existing audio-visual copyright market order and historical copyright norms. Consequently a new or modified copyright law is becoming a struggle field among a conglomeration of film production companies, public use, neo-technologic capital, the Internet rules defined by technology, cultural democracy, different countries, as well as the upstream, middle stream, and downstream industries. Thus, this study suggests that there is a need to rethink the interaction between technology, law and market in the field of audio-visual copyright, in order to clarify the truth of new audio-visual copyright law. Therefore, this study will focus on the new challenges brought by new communication technology on copyright law and market, the market’s influence on audio-visual copyright law, copyright law’s impact on audio-visual market and technology, and all these processes’ influence on society and culture. And based on these understandings, we will also propose a reasonable development direction for future copyright norms. Thus, this research study will investigate the history of Taiwan’s audio-visual copyright norms and market as well as their current status, to analyze market and industry impacts and resource flow among countries, and predict the influence of new audio-visual copyright norms. Such an analysis will lead to suggestions for a more effective copyright law relative to modern audio-visual markets and industries, in order to balance public-private interests, equal the flow of international film and television resources, protect network freedom of information, carry out sharing and use of rational, and achieve policy and cultural democracy.科技法律市場影視著作權新傳播科技新影視產業影視著作權史傳播政治經濟學Technologylawmarketaudio-visual copyrightnew communication technologynew audio-visual industryaudio-visual copyright historypolitical economy of communication法律、市場與新科技—台灣影視著作權規範與影視著作權市場的歷史與未來Law, market and new technology: The past and future of Taiwan$s audio-visual copyright norms and market