徐家駒Hsu, Chia- Chu許安志Hsu, An-Chih2019-09-062020-11-162019-09-062016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0099903124%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/108165布隆斯(Victor Bruns, 1904-1996)的生平大致可分成前期生長於俄國和後期定居德國,論文中除研究他對自己作品的想法外,也探討新古典主義對於他的創作及音樂風格上的影響。作為一個低音管及倍低音管演奏家和作曲家,他一生寫了99首作品,除大量的低音管奏鳴曲、協奏曲及室內樂曲,也包含六部芭雷舞劇和一些交響曲,這首《第二號低音管協奏曲,作品第15號》不僅是布隆斯大量木管創作中重要的曲目之一,也是風格開始明顯趨向新古典主義的低音管協奏曲。 本篇論文從布隆斯這位作曲家生平開始做研究,並逐步延伸到戰爭與革命對其藝術創作的影響以及作品的分析,通篇文章總共分成四章,第一章緒論分兩節說明寫作動機和研究方法,第二章論敘生平和創作風格及作品,第三章針對《第二號低音管協奏曲,作品第15號》的曲式結構及和聲做分析,第四章根據曲析研究,適切的演奏詮釋,最後總結研究後心得。The life of Victor Bruns (1904-1996) can be broadly divided into 2 parts, early days in Russia and later settlement in Germany. In this thesis, not only we touch base on his work, we also discuss how neo-classicalism influenced his compositions style. As a bassoon and contra-bassoon performer and composer, he wrote ninety-nine pieces mostly on bassoon Sonatas, concertos, and chamber music as well as six ballets and some symphonies. The "Bassoon Concerto No. 2, Op. 15" was not only one of the important woodwind pieces in Bruns’ work, it was also the first few pieces starting get neo-classicalism. Before writing this thesis, research on Bruns’ chronology and how the wars and nation reformation had the effects on his works was essential. Once the background and the motive of Bruns’ works were well comprehended, it was easy to do an analysis on thestructures of his music pieces. This thesis includes three parts of discussions; it starts with the introduction of Bruns’ life, following by an analysis of Bruns’ music pieces with a complete Bruns’ composing interpretation and personal opinions in the end.布隆斯新古典主義低音管協奏曲Victor BrunsNeo-ClassicismBassoon Concerto布隆斯《第二號低音管協奏曲,作品第15號》之研究Study of The Bassoon Concerto No. 2, Op. 15 by Victor Bruns