陳佳宏邱德承2019-09-032017-07-242019-09-032017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060027013L%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/96131葛樂禮風災是國民黨政府撤退來臺繼八七水災後所發生的重大風災,葛樂禮風災使國民黨政府開始意識到防災作為的不可不為之的重要性,然而是逢石門水庫竣工,防洪思維導向蓄洪、分洪、疏洪的思維,而有基隆河截彎取直工程、關渡隘口拓寬等之工程。這些工程表面上看來是為了解決臺北市區內洪水問題,然而實際上政府的新作為操之過急並無通盤考量,不但沒有解決洪水問題更使得特定區域淹水更嚴重,再加上事後觀之這些工程之背後另有著都市發展、商業利益的考量。 葛樂禮風災不僅造成國民黨政府防災思維的轉變,亦影響氣象科技的發展,採購氣象雷達,而開啟了現代化氣象觀測的時代。然而政府的消極不作為也成為這個防災思維的開端,總是待至災害發生後,政府單位才願意採購新型的氣象儀器,從戰後歷來氣象科技演進的過程中觀之更為鮮明。 此外,從1952年貝絲風災、1963年葛樂禮風災與2009年莫拉克風災等三大風災可發現,每當重大災後發生氣象單位始終成為究責的第一對象。然而,這些的指責問題點大部份多為強人所難之事,更可看出我國政治體制上監察院失能、失職與不專業糾正的能力。在這樣的環境氛圍裡,氣象單位往往成為災難過後背黑鍋的對象。Typhoon Gloria (1963) is the catastrophic wind disaster following the Floods of 1959, after the Nationalist Party fled to Taiwan. This typhoon brought to the Nationalist the awareness of the importance of disaster reduction. As Shihmen Dam was constructed, the conception of flood prevention was brought to flood storage, flood division, and flood channel, thereby leading to the projects of river channel straightening of Keelung River as well as the expansion of Guandu Tunnel. These constructions, as they appear, were made to solve the flood problem of Taipei downtown, yet the new methods of construction that the Nationalist government carried out were done in haste without comprehensively considering the whole situation. This does not solve the flood problem of the area, and even worse, it makes the flood problems all the more serious in certain areas. What is more, there remains consideration of urban development and business interests lying beyond the projects of constructions. Typhoon Gloria doesn’t only change the Nationalist’s conception of disaster prevention, but also initiates the epoch of modernized conception of weather forecast, such as the purchase of weather surveillance radars. The government’s inactivity becomes, however, the beginning of the disaster prevention; it is willing to buy new weather equipment only after the disaster takes place. This phenomenon can be obviously discerned from the development of weather technology after WWII. In addition, from the three catastrophic typhoons (Typhoon Bess in 1952, Typhoon Gloria in 1963, and Typhoon Morakot in 2009), we can see that the weather organization becomes the first target to be reproached from the public. However, the points raised to be reproached remain somewhat far-fetched, highlighting the incapability, unaccountability and unprofessional performance of the Control Yuan of Taiwan. Under this circumstance, the weather organization is always the one to account for the disasters.葛樂禮美援防災思維氣象科技救災制度Typhoon GloriaAmerican Aidconception of disaster reductionweather technologydisaster relief institution戰後臺灣防災思維的轉變─以葛樂禮風災為中心