國立臺灣師範大學地理學系吳水吉鍾德霖張國楨 2015-09-032015-09-032010-06-011021-3104http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/74897行政院農業委員會林務局農林航空測量所所建置之航測影像資料倉儲 系統時,以雲端服務之概念進行規劃,並以高效率、高有效性、高可靠性 與高擴充性為目標,成為雲端服務於地理資訊系統之成功應用案例。 本文章即介紹農航所資料倉儲之系統架構,以及如何與雲端服務概念 進行對應,並針對此資料倉儲所達成之效益進行說明。The Aerial Survey Office builds a data warehouse for aerial photographs which architecture is based on the Cloud Service. The data warehouse features high efficiency, high affectivity, high reliability and high scalability and could be treated as a success Cloud application on GIS.   This article elaborates the details of the data warehouse and its correspondence with Cloud Service. Furthermore, the benefits and achievements are described in the article as well.航遙測影像資料倉儲系統地理資訊系統飛向雲端,擁抱雲端--農航所航遙測影像資料倉儲與供應平臺