吳正己張仁輔Chang, Jen-Fu2019-08-292011-2-182019-08-292009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695080283%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92992本研究旨在探討初學者使用配對方式進行程式設計的學習成效及態度。研究方法採用準實驗研究法,自變項為使用配對程式設計或個別程式設計,依變項為學生的學習成就及態度。研究參與者為台北市某高中一年級學生四班共145人,其中兩班學生共76人為配對組,採隨機分派方式兩人一組進行配對程式設計;另外兩班學生共69人為個別組,採個人單機方式進行程式設計。資料蒐集與分析包括學生的成就測驗、配對程式設計問卷、程式設計態度問卷、課堂觀察、對話錄音及焦點訪談。研究結果發現:(1)使用配對程式設計學習其學生的成就優於以傳統方式學習的學生;(2)使用配對程式設計的學生其學習態度並未優於使用傳統方式的學生;(3)配對程式設計傾向於產生有利學習的行為;(4)學生對配對角色的責任有正確的認知,但操作者常擔任較重的解題責任;(5)配對程式設計中學生常發生的互動行為依序為指導式對話、除錯式對話及討論式對話三種。This study explored the effects of using pair-programming strategy to help high school students learning programming concepts. In a pair-programming duo, one serves as the driver, who types at the computer or writes down a design; the other partner serves as the navigator, who looks for defects in the work of the driver with an objective point of view. A quasi-experiment design was implemented in this study. Four classes of high school students, totaling 145 students, participated in this study. Two classes of 76 students paired in the computer lab to learn programming (the pair group), whereas the other two classes of 69 students learned programming individually (the control group). Students’ post-experiment achievement test scores, replies on questionnaires, and conversations during lab activities as well as researcher’s class observations and focus group interview data were collected and analyzed. The findings of the study were: (1) the pair-programming group performed significant better than the control group in the post-experiment achievement test, (2) no significant difference was found on students’ attitudes toward learning programming between the pair group and control group, (3) the drivers usually took more responsibility on problem-solving process than the navigators, (4) the dialog patterns exhibited in the pair group, in order of frequency, were didactic, debugging, and debating, and (5) pair-programming tended to lead students toward productive learning behaviors.配對程式設計程式設計教學配對行為Programmingpair-programminghigh schoolcomputer science初學者使用配對程式設計學習之成效及態度探討Exploring the effects of pair-programming in a high school computer course