林瑋祺Lin, Wei-Chi黃麗蓉Huang, Li-Rong2024-12-172024-08-022024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/197977bc13629ba865497b7364416d7f/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/123878德國作曲家和音樂評論家舒曼(Robert Schumann, 1810–1856)以鋼琴音樂、藝術 歌曲以及交響樂和室內樂作品聞名,為浪漫時期的音樂做出重大貢獻,並發展許多新 的音樂形式。對音樂和文學的雙重興趣,培養他成為歷史知名的音樂評論家。舒曼是 浪漫主義音樂的重要人物,他的創作深深影響後世的作曲家。舒曼受奧地利作曲家舒伯特(Franz Schubert, 1797-1828)的音樂和德國詩人尚.保 羅(Jean-Paul Richter, 1763-1825)的文學影響,舒曼的許多音樂評論都帶有明顯的尚.保 羅風格的印記。舒曼的作品主要受到貝多芬、舒伯特,甚至是與他同一個時期像是孟 德爾頌、蕭邦等人的影響,但尚.保羅對他在音樂創作上的影響也和這些人一樣的重 要。分析作品《狂歡節,作品九》(Carnaval, Op. 9)之前,本文將暸解舒曼的生平與 其如何受尚.保羅文學之影響,並介紹舒曼早期創作中與《狂歡節,作品九》相關的 作品,針對《狂歡節,作品九》的創作背景,以及音名密碼、引用之虛擬角色與套曲 形式,對此曲與舒曼早期作品共同之創作特色做概述。第二部分為論述作品在曲式、 旋律、節奏、和聲上的獨特性,並在調性、結構、速度及表情術語等面向,分析舒曼 的創作手法。在本文中將以《狂歡節,作品九》樂曲詮釋為主體,探討並分析二十一 首個性小品中的暗示,並分享對此獨特音樂風格的詮釋見解。The purpose of this article is to analyze musical form in Robert Schumann’s piano work Carnaval, Op.9. By establishing an unparalleled link with the German- speaking poets of the period (such as Jean Paul), he would appear to appreciate narrative techniques previously belonging exclusively to the realm of literature, distancing himself definitively from the traditional formal logic of musical form, still very present in composers that were his contemporaries.To come to an understanding of Schumann’s use of form, this paper begins with a brief description of the influence of the music of the Austrian composer Franz Schubert (1797-1828) and the literature of the German poet Jean-Paul Richter (1763-1825), with additional references to the system of cycle affects.The last section discusses the works in form, melody, rhythm and harmony, and analyzes the creations in terms of tonality, structure, speed and expression terms. And through examination of the literary ideas in music from the context of music motivation and virtual characters, offers performance recommendation for Schumann’s piano cycle Carnaval, Op. 9.舒曼《狂歡節作品九》Robert SchumannCarnavalop. 9舒曼《狂歡節,作品九》之樂曲分析與詮釋An Analysis and Interpretation of R. Schumann' s Carnaval, Op. 9學術論文