沈永正許書瑋Yung-Cheng ShenRyan Shuwei Hsu黃鈺婷Huang, Yu-Ting2020-12-142020-01-152020-12-142020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060656021O%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110574本研究主要探討「閱聽者的仿妝行為」後,閱聽者和美妝YouTuber仿妝結 果的比較,對美妝YouTuber滿意度的影響,由於單純觀看美妝影片閱聽者並 不能判斷妝容是否符合自己的期望且閱聽者將美妝YouTuber投射成理想自我, 因此閱聽者會主動產生仿妝行為來實際體驗,而仿妝結果會影響外表吸引力, 閱聽者會和美妝YouTuber同步經歷變美或是變醜的歷程,因此仿妝結果的比 較對閱聽者來說是重要的,仿妝結果的比較會影響到閱聽者對美妝YouTuber 的滿意度,並做出相對等的回應(例如:分享此美妝YOUTUBER和取消訂閱等), 以設計問卷發放的方式搜集閱聽者的仿妝行為在開始及結束兩個時間點,閱 聽者對美妝YouTuber與本身外表吸引力程度上的評分及在完成仿妝後閱聽者 對美妝YouTuber的滿意程度評分,將以上數據進行多項式回歸分析 (Polynomial regression model)搭配反應曲面法(Response Surface Analysis) 進行假說檢定,了解閱聽者在仿妝行為後如何影響美妝YouTuber的滿意度, 對美妝YouTuber而言能了解高滿意度需要具備的外表吸引力程度條件,未來 可以朝向影片呈現方式及放入明星比較的方式,更進一步了解影響閱聽者滿意度的全貌。This study mainly discusses after experience of makeup tutorial. Compare with the results of audience and beauty YouTuber's experience of makeup tutorial and the influence on beauty YouTuber's satisfaction. Due to the audience can’t judge whether the makeup suit themselves by just watching beauty YouTuber’s videos and also the audience projected YouTuber as their ideal-self , the audience will have makeup tutorial initiatively to have practical experience. Experience of makeup tutorial is the process that Audience and YouTuber will go through the facial change in the same time. Therefore, the comparison of makeup tutorial results is important for audience and also will be affect to the audience satisfaction for beauty YouTuber. The way audience show the satisfaction include sharing YouTuber video to others or cancel the subscription of the beauty YouTuber. The questionnaire was designed to collect of physical attractiveness level and YouTuber satisfaction rating which during the experience of makeup tutorial . Hypothesis were tested and analyze by using Polynomial regression model with Response Surface method . The consequence make us realize that how audience affect YouTuber satisfaction with experience of makeup tutorial. On the other hand, YouTuber can understand the level of physical attractiveness required for high satisfaction. In the future, the research can focus on the way to present makeup video and compare with star to know the whole picture of affect audience satisfaction.美妝YouTuber自我差異理論仿妝行為外表吸引力程度滿意度理性行為理論真實自我理想自我Self-Discrepancy TheoryBeauty YouTuberExperience of Makeup TutorialPhysical AttractivenessSatisfactionTheory of Reasoned ActionActual-SelfIdeal-Self仿妝行為的體驗,美還能延續下去嗎?Will Beauty Continue After the Experience of Makeup Tutorial?