王梅玲Mei-Ling Wang2014-10-272014-10-272005-04-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/15536大學排名與大學評鑑近年來成為國內外十分關注的課題,而且各單位提出大學排名結果均不盡不相同,令質疑什麼樣的大學評鑑與排名是合理可的。究竟什麼是大學評鑑?SCI與SSCI論文發表次數何以成為教育部重視的指標?這樣點合適嗎?什麼是學術評鑑要件?引文分析可用在大學評鑑嗎?這些是當前大學評鑑熱門之際值得研究課題。本論文旨在探討大學研究評鑑與引文分析的應用,首先研究大學研究評鑑的意涵,介紹英大學研究評鑑制度,其次說明引文分析在大學評鑑之應用與限制,最後探討引文分析應用在我國大學評鑑的適當性,並提出建議。The article mainly discusses how to evaluate research quality of universities and colleges in Taiwan. At frist, it refers to the Research Assessment Exercises in the UK which provides ratings of the quality of research conducted in universities and colleges in the UK, to inform the selective allocation of funds in accordance with the quality of the work undertaken. The expert peer review system which is the evaluation mechanism of RAE is explored with evaluation procedures in the study. Citation analysis with its application is also studied in the article. As citation analysis is bibliometrics and it is not suitable for applied as a main tool in research assessment of universities and colleges. At last, the article makes some conclusions that it is necessary to develop the research assessment of universities and college in Taiwan with expert peer review, besides, SCI, SSCI and citation counting data can be used as a metric information for reference.大學評鑑學術評鑑大學研究評鑑引文分析University evaluationAcademic evaluationResearch assessment exercisesCitation analysisRAEScience citation indexSocial science citation index大學研究評鑑與引文分析應用University Research Assessment and Citation Analysis