陳學毅Chen, Hsueh-I廖可萱Liao, Ke-Hsuan2019-08-282022-12-312019-08-282017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060182013I%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85895本研究以台灣沙發主對於歐洲沙發客的主人凝視(host gaze)為主軸,透過了解 其接待歐洲沙發客時的互動交流,試圖探討台灣沙發主是否透過沙發衝浪行為形 塑了對於歐洲沙發客以及歐洲的一種特定文化期待與想像,而這樣的想像與當前 沙發衝浪群體的文化交織後產生了什麼樣的互動。另外本文試圖翻轉過去多聚焦 於沙發客的研究視角,將研究對象轉而聚焦於沙發主,以期為當前沙發衝浪研究 領域增添新的討論空間。 本文假設台灣沙發主對於歐洲沙發客本身以及沙發衝浪這樣的旅行方式有特定形式的文化想像及實踐,並透過研究訪談進一步探析這兩者所交互影響下所產生的文化意象轉變。因此本文第二章將首先對背包旅行、沙發衝浪、情緒觀光等領域做概略爬梳;第三章將敘述本研究之對象與範圍,以及文本及論述分析之研方法與假設。 第四章將聚焦於台灣沙發主在不同空間、不同身分的轉換當中,如何透過各媒介體現沙發衝浪所體現的特定生活方式以及意象,同時台灣當前的沙發主群體用哪些活動試圖實踐沙發衝浪交流之宗旨,同時歐洲沙發衝浪客以及這項旅遊方式為台灣沙發主帶來了什麼樣的思考。第五章則聚焦於台灣沙發主與歐洲沙發客的情緒交換與主客互動,同時由於該社群所包含的人際網絡揉合了網路空間與實體的面對面交流,本章也將探討這種類型的人際網絡造就了什麼型態的旅行模式、借宿之前與之後的關係又如何凝聚與延續,並探析台灣沙發主透過接待歐洲沙發客所獲得的歐洲印象與本文之假設前提是否符合。 關鍵字 : 沙發衝浪、歐洲印象、幻想、主人凝視、文化期待This study focuses on the Taiwanese couchsufing hosts’ “host gaze” upon European couchsurfers. By understanding the interaction and communication between both sides, this study tried to understand how does Taiwanese couch surfing hosts picture and create a certain image of Europe and European couch surfers, also how this imagery intertwine with the modern couch surfing society. Also, this study tried to switch the research target from couch suffers to couch surfing hosts, in order to explore more possibilities and research area for couch surfing studies. This study assumes that Taiwanese couch surfing hosts hold a certain form of cultural expectation and practice, and step further to examine the transformation of cultural imagery throughout the process. In chapter two, a brief literature review of backpacking travel, couch surfing, and emotional tourism will be integrated and introduced. In chapter three, the research target, range, and method will be displayed and explained. In chapter four, the focus will be how Taiwanese couch surfing hosts practiced the certain imagery and how they treat couch surfing as a way a life through various mediums, within the the constant switching in terms of space and identity. Also how couch surfing community has been running in Taiwanese society, and what reflection had been brought into Taiwanese community will be discussed. In chapter five, the study will be focusing on the the emotional flow and the host-guest interactions between Taiwanese couch surfing hosts and European couch surfers. The interaction between two parties has been take place in virtual spaces and actual face-to-face spaces, how this form of communication affects the way of travel will also be discussed. Additionally, how the relationships between two parties shifts and changes before and after the accommodating process will then be explored. To conclude, the study will then examine how the result echo to the assumption. Key Word : Couchsurifng, European Image, Imagery, host gaze, cultural expectation沙發衝浪歐洲印象幻想主人凝視文化期待couch surfingeuropean imageimageryhost gazecultural expectation沙發衝浪主的文化期待:以接待歐洲沙發客之臺灣沙發主為例The cultural expectation of couchsurfing host - A case study of Taiwanese hosts accommodating European couchsurfers