林世華Sieh-Hwa Lin謝巧茹Chiao-Ju Hsieh2019-08-282009-1-62019-08-282009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0094012110%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90681由於電腦和網路普及,使得網路交友成為青少年的主要活動之一,但也因網路特有的匿名性與互動性,致使網路交友暗藏層層危機和陷阱,而報章媒體中時有所聞的網路援助交際便是其中的一大隱憂! 然而有關網路交友及網路援助交際的相關研究付之闕如,本研究期待能從中了解現今國中生自尊、網路交友現況與網路援助交際態度之間的關係。 本研究以分層叢集抽樣的方式,選取新竹市國民中學七至八年級學生為對象進行問卷調查。取得有效樣本544份。採用之研究工具為:自尊量表、網路交友狀態量表、網路援助交際態度量表以及個人基本資料。所得到的資料以次數分配、平均數、標準差、百分比統計、變異數同質性考驗、獨立樣本t考驗、皮爾森積差相關以及多元迴歸分析等統計方法來進行資料處理,以考驗研究假設並回答研究問題。主要研究結果發現如下: (一) 本研究樣本中,國中生的整體自尊呈現中等的程度、網路交友狀態之認知 情形與行為表現均屬於中等的程度,而對於網路援助交際的看法較為客觀中立,而且對於網路援助交際之行動力偏低。 (二) 不同性別之國中生的自尊並沒有明顯差異 (三) 七八年級之國中生的自尊並沒有明顯差異 (四) 國中生的網路交友狀態之面向中,僅網路交友之認知因性別、年級的不同而有差異存在 (五) 國中生的網路援助交際態度之各面向因性別的不同而有差異,但不因年級的不同而有差異存在 (六) 有網路交友經驗與無網路交友經驗的國中生,其自尊並沒有差異存在 (七) 有網路交友經驗與無網路交友經驗的國中生,其在網路援助交際態度各面向有差異存在。 (八) 國中生之自尊與網路援助交際之行為傾向有相關存在。 (九) 國中生的自尊與網路交友狀態能有效預測網路援助交際態度。 最後,研究者依據各項研究結論提出具體建議以供家長、教育輔導人員以及教育主管機關、政府單位作為研究以及實務上之參考。The purpose of the study was to understand of the relationships between the junior high school students’ self-esteem, making friends in internet and enzokousai through internet. In this study, stratified cluster sampling were used to select seven and eight grade students of Hsinchu City Junior High School to conduct a questionnaire survey. 544 valid samples were obtained. The research tools including self-esteem scale, the state of making friends in internet, the attitude assessment of enzokousai through internet and personal basic information. The data was analyzed by statistical methods, independent samples t-test, Pearson product correlation and multiple regression. The main findings are as follows: 1. The overall self-esteem level of junior high school students during the samples is moderate. The cognitive and behavioral performance of making friends in internet is average level, as to the viewpoint is to enzokousai through internet is neutral and the willing to take actions about enzokousai through internet is low. 2. There is no significant difference of junior high school students’ self-esteem between different genders and is also no difference between 7 and 8 grade. 3. The difference only exists in cognition when related to gender and grade in the making friends in internet. And there is significant difference related to gender but not related to grade in the attitude to enzokousai through internet 4. The junior high school students’ self-esteem is not related to the experience of making friends in internet, but is related to the tendency to enzokousai through internet activity. 5. There is difference in attitude about enzokousai through internet of the junior high school students when related to the experience of making friends in internet. 6. The junior high school students’self-esteem and the status of making friends in internet can effectively predict the attitude about enzokousai through internet. According to the results, the researchers provide specific recommendations for parents , educational counselors and education authorities , government agencies to do the research and practice issue.自尊網路交友網路援助交際態度self-esteemmaking friends in internetenzokousai through internet國中生之自尊、網路交友狀態與網路援助交際態度之相關研究The relationships among self-esteem,the station of making friends in internet and the attitude of enzokousai through internet for junior high school students in Taiwan.