方泰山黃于真2019-09-04不公開2019-09-042010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695420457%22.&%22.id.&amp;http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/100650本研究的目的是結合課本中的教材與時下的熱門議題,自行開發『滲透現象』和『生活中的合成聚合物』兩套STS模組課程,並在行動教學後藉由蒐集、分析數據來探討學生在相關概念及學習上的成效,及STS模組教學對於高二學生『生活形態』及『學習科學信心價值觀』的影響。本研究之對象為彰化縣某高中二年級的學生,共38人,兩實驗模組皆施測於同一班級,本班即為常態編班取樣為方便取樣。研究結果如下: 1.在STS教學活動後,學生在知識層面有明顯成長。研究者自行設計之『滲透現象』、『生活中的合成聚合物』模組,學生的科學概念前、後測平均分數差異分別達到22.6和17.6分,進一步將科學概念成績進行配對t檢定則t值分別為-8.28及-4.0均達顯著(p< 0.05),說明模組活動對於學生知識層面的確有影響。 2.學生在『生活形態』量表的向度一(流行時尚部分)平均分數為3.23,分佈為中等偏正向的態度,說明了學生是願意追求流行及接受冒險的。而向度二(務實取向)方面學生平均分數為3.96為正向的態度,說明了學生在生活態度中偏向務實層面。向度三:(自我成長)平均分數為3.72為中等偏正向。 3.學生在「學習科學信心與價值觀」量表(正向敘述)偏低,平均分別為2.33分與1.61分,說明了受測者對於學習科學的信心及價值觀普遍偏低,但在經過模組教學後,還是可以讓學生對於學習理化的信心顯著增加。 4.大部分學生對於本次教學模組抱持著正面的態度,包括認為本次教學很有趣、覺得這種上課方式比只聽老師講解課本內容好、希望下次還有類似的方式進行教學。 綜合上述幾點,本研究將STS模組教學融入價值相關議題。讓學生成功學習相關科學概念,並改變學生生活形態且提升學生學習科學的信心與價值觀,希望日後此類型STS模組可以更廣泛得運用且落實於實際教學中。The purpose of this action research is to design “Osmotic Phenomenon” and “Synthesized Polymer in the Daily Life” STS modules curricula in connecting textbooks to popular issues in society. The students' efficiency in learning chemistry knowledge、the contribution of STS module curricula to the ”life style” and “self-confidence in learning science, and evaluating science” were analyzed and discussed based on the collected data. The subject of this study is thirty-eight 2nd grade students from a senior high school in Changhua. The findings of this study are summarized as follows: 1.It shows that the students make obvious progress in knowledge after taking the STS module curricula. For both “Osmotic Phenomenon” and “Synthesized Polymer in the Daily Life” modules' science-concept tests, the students get better grade on the post-test than that on pre-test. The difference between the average score of pre-test and post-test approach 22.6 and 17.6, respectively and paired t test for statistics in the difference between the pre-test and post-test was significant (p< 0.05). This illustrates that the STS modules are helpful in cultivating the students' knowledge. 2.The average score of the students' attitude in “life style” phase I (pursuing fashion), phase II (praticals) and phase III (self-development) is 3.23, 3.96 and 3.72, respectively out of the full point 5.00 for each phase. It tells that the students have the attitude towards adventure and practice. 3.The average score of the students' “self-confidence in learning science, and in evaluating science” positive and negative description is only 2.33 and 1.61,respectively. It tells that the students have low self-confidence and evaluation in science, but improve much better after STS modules learning. 4.Most students are positive on those teaching modules because of the STS teaching modules being interesting and prevailing. They hope their teachers would adopt the STS module teaching method like these prototype-modules. In conclusion, these two STS modules combining with evaluation in society issues can help student in acquiring science knowledge and improving “self-confidence in learning science, and in evaluating science”. These prototype of the STS modules can be incorporated to the school curricula.STS模組行動研究生活中的合成聚合物滲透現象生活形態學習科學信心價值觀STS moduleAction ResearchSynthesized polymer in the daily lifeOsmotic phenomenonlife styleself-confidence in learning scienceand the evaluating scienceSTS模組教學探討高中生「生活型態」、「學習科學信心價值觀」之行動研究