黃均人Huang, Chun-Zen唐賢賓Tang, Hsien-Ping2022-06-082024-09-082022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/251c15ef656ad927867b40e963db1ab7/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117100賴德和是現今臺灣音樂界最具代表性的作曲家之一,其創作生涯自1967年的發表首部作品木管五重奏《六月的夢》至今已經歷超過半世紀,為臺灣近代音樂歷史,留下了多部經典名作。國立傳統藝術中心臺灣音樂館自2013年起推出「臺灣音樂憶像」系列音樂會,聚焦於演出國內作曲家之代表性作品。由於賴德和捐贈其創作手稿至該館,促成了2020年10月8日《賴德和樂展》於國家音樂廳的演出。筆者以紀錄片的手法呈現這場音樂會從彩排至演出的過程。透過與指揮、首席的訪談和樂團的排練,認識作曲家賴德和在交響曲《海神家族》與《吾鄉印象》裡,所賦予的臺灣音樂內涵。LAI Deh-Ho is one of the most iconic composers in the field of Taiwan’s contemporary music. His composing career has lasted over half a century since his debut of the wind quintet “The Dream of June”, composed in 1967. Lai has contributed prolific classic works for Taiwan’s contemporary music history. The Taiwan Music Institute at National Center for Traditional Arts has been holding a series of concerts titled “Taiwan Music Image” since 2013, focusing on presenting representative works by Taiwan’s composers in recent years. Lai’s donation of all his manuscripts to the Taiwan Music Institute conduced to the “LAI Deh-Ho Composition Concert” at National Concert Hall on October 8th, 2020.The researcher presented the entire concert, from its rehearsal to its formal performance, through the form of a documentary. Through the interview with the conductor, the concertmaster, and the rehearsal with the Orchestra, we can see how Lai rehearsed with Taipei Symphony Orchestra and we also see how he added the richness to Taiwan music through his symphony “The Mazu’s Bodyguard” and “My Country”.賴德和臺灣音樂紀錄片LAI Deh-HoTaiwan musicDocumentary吾鄉樂音-《賴德和樂展》紀錄片My Country Music – Documentary of LAI Deh-Ho Composition Concert專業實務報告(專業實務類)