張炎憲李宜玲LEE, I-Ling2019-08-29不公開2019-08-292011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0097262120%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/93251海洋是和平島生存發展的重要環境,經過動盪不安的歷史人文累積,和平島發展出獨特的海洋經濟、海洋社會與海洋精神,是以海洋島嶼為基盤所孕育出來的海洋文化。雖然島內面積只有六十六公頃,卻因海洋的關係,集古蹟、地質、漁業、工業、軍事重地於一處。究竟濱海而居、依海為生的和平島居民,在多元歷史族群、多樣產業活動和多變自然環境的相互交織下,揉合出哪些濱海生活方式以及鮮活豐富的海洋文化? 本文將以和平島的地形、氣候等自然環境,及歷史、族群等人文發展作為背景,說明本地的漁業、造船業、休閒漁業之海洋產業發展,與受到自然環境限制或因應濱海生活、外來多元文化而衍生出來的漁村聚落面貌、漁民生活情形、休閒娛樂活動、奇特地名俗諺等,並搭配耆老的訪談、他人至此的見聞記錄,讓過往的生活方式與漁業工作情況更顯得真實、生動;接著再提升到文化最核心的部分—精神內涵,介紹漁業村落裡祈求心靈慰藉的海神信仰崇拜、島民與海互動內化後的藝文產出、以及島上海洋文化的傳承與推廣。希望透過研究和平島的海洋「經濟」、「社會」以及「精神」三層面,能進一步窺探和平島的海洋文化,展現「百家蟹舍小漁村,卻與紅塵隔一垣,女採石花男獵海,天然生活武陵源。」的海洋風華。Ocean is critical to the development of Hopin Island. The turbulent history and diversified culture in Hopin Island formed the unique oceanic economy, society and spirit, the oceanic culture fostered from island environment. The oceanic surroundings endow Hopin Island with historical architectures, unique geological structure, fishery, industry and military significance in a small area of merely sixty-six hectares. What seashore life and rich oceanic culture do to the ocean-dependent inhabitants in Hopin Island under the influence of the multi-ethnical history, diversified industry and capricious natural environment? This thesis will elaborate the ecological and climatic environment as well as historical, ethnical, and cultural development of Hopin Island to illustrate the evolution of local ocean industries such as fishery, shipbuilding industry, and recreational fishery. It will also describe the culture of fishing villages, the life and recreation of fisherman, distinctive place names and local proverbs. The research will include interviews with local elders and travelers’ notes to present a lively picture of the life and work in the fishing village. Moreover, it will move into the core of the culture in Hopin Village, introducing the sea-god worship in fishing villages, the art works inspired from the interaction between island inhabitants and the ocean, and the oceanic culture heritage on the island. The thesis aims to pry into the oceanic culture of Hopin Island through a study on economy, society and spirituality, through which to depict a poetic picture as follows, Hundreds of floating house in a seashore village, Withdrawn from the world with only passage. Women collect seaweed while men fish seawards, A native life is like Wu-lin World.基隆社寮島和平島海洋文化KeelungShe-Liao IslandHopin IslandOceanic Culture基隆和平島海洋文化之研究The Study of the Oceanic Culture in Hopin Island,Keelung