周愚文Chao, Yu-Wen陳皓昀Chen, Hao-Yun2019-08-282017-07-312019-08-282017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060200005E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89637 本研究旨在探討元末明初時,朱升匯編前人方逢辰編《名物蒙求》、程若庸補述《增廣性理字訓》、陳櫟編《歷代蒙求》和黄繼善編《史學提要》等四書而成的《小四書》,該書旨在教童蒙。本屬於歷史研究,透過元、明、清三代相關史料的蒐集、考證、整理與歸納,以瞭解該書匯編目的與背景,評析所輯四種書籍的版本、內容與教育意涵,及探討其影響及對現代教育之啟示。其主要研究發現如下: 一、《小四書》的匯編背景與元代社會士風有關。 二、《小四書》的內容隱含元儒欲發揚程朱理學的企圖。 三、《小四書》的匯編形式具有以下兩特點: (一)排版是根據其教學經驗與需求而來。 (二)採叢書形式,兼具類書特徵。 四、《小四書》的教育內容與意涵具有以下特點: (一)內容按「前經後史」排列,經史兼顧,以期達到經史合一。 (二)理學概念融入經學與史學教育。 (三)通過正文和注釋傳授語文教育。 另外,朱升《小四書》的內容貫通常識、經學和史學,包含儒家典籍、科舉考科的核心內容。其匯編形式,有助保存及增加所輯書籍的影響程度與流通範圍,可供後世編纂童蒙教材叢書仿效,並對現代兒童教材編輯與課程編排有所啟示。 The main purpose of thesis is to inquire Zhu Sheng’ s Xiao Si Shu (Four Books for Children), including Ming Wu Meng Qiu (Primer of the terms of things) by Fang Feng-Chen, Xing Li Zi Xun (Introduction to the key concepts of Neo-Confucianism) by Cheng Re-Yong, Li Dai Meng Qiu (Primer of Brief History of China) by Chen Li, and Shi Xiao Shi Yao (History of China) by Huang Ji-Shan. By external and internal criticisms, the social background, purposes, versions, and contents of Xiao Si Shu were analyzed. So did its educational implications and influence. The main findings are as follows: First, the background of this book was related to the social atmosphere of the Yuan Dynasty. Second, Confucian scholar in Yuan Dynasty intended to transmit the Neo-Confucianism by this book. Third, the form of this book had two characteristics: I. the layout was designed on teachers' teaching experience and students’ needs. II. The form of this book was between series and Lei-shu (A kind of Chinese encyclopedia). Fourth, the content of this book had three characteristics: I. the content of Confucian classics was arranged before history. II. The thoughts of Neo-Confucianism were involved. III language knowledge was taught through its texts and notes. Finally, Zhu Sheng’ s Xiao Si Shu helped children to the understanding of Confucian classics and the preparation for the imperial exam. Its form of compilation helped for its circulation and for editing modern language textbooks for primary students.小四書朱升蒙書Zhu ShengprimersXiao Si Shu朱升《小四書》研究A Study on Zhu Sheng's Xiao Si Shu