張佳榮Chang, Chia-Jung姚懿軒Yao, Yi-Hsuan2023-12-082027-09-272023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/58e6da5f299bd5f1b7154787e8cce923/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120039近年來,品牌愛的研究開始備受重視,但過去對於品牌愛的前置變因並無過多研究。同時,儀式感於現今的行銷活動中時常被使用,也在消費體驗中展現出正向影響。綜合上述原因,本研究認為儀式感能夠影響消費者對特定品牌的品牌愛程度,實驗一中將儀式感分成主要兩個部分:行為及產品,並基於情感及訊息理論,將情緒幸福感作為中介變數。實驗二加入解釋水平作為調節變數,探索不同心理視角下,是否會影響消費者對品牌愛的判斷。In recent years, research on brand love has begun to receive attention, but there has not been much research on the pre-variables of brand love in the past. At the same time, sense of ritual is often used in today's marketing, showing positive impact on the consumption experience. Based on the above reasons, this study believes that sense of ritual can affect consumers' brand love for a specific brand. In Experiment 1, sense of ritual is divided into two main parts: behavior and product, and based on affect-as- information theory, with emotional well-being as a mediating variable. In Experiment 2, construal level was added as a moderating variable to explore whether different psychological perspectives would affect consumers' judgment of brand love.儀式感品牌愛情感即訊息理論情緒幸福感解釋水平The Sense of RitualBrand LoveAffect-as-information TheoryEmotional Well-BeingConstrual Level探討儀式感對品牌愛的影響:以情緒幸福感作為中介變數The Influence of Sense of Ritual on Brand Love: Emotional Well-Being as a Mediatoretd