陳國川Kuo- Chuan Chen柯佳伶Jia-ling Ke2019-08-292011-7-252019-08-292011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696230184%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94336雲林縣二崙鄉為全台蔬菜種植面積最大的鄉鎮,其中又以短期葉菜的比例最高,是臺灣重要的短期葉菜生產基地。為瞭解其生產特色以及運銷體系的運作方式,本研究將雲林縣二崙鄉的短期葉菜分為生產端與運銷端兩部分,根據「商品鏈」的研究概念,透過投入產出結構、領域性、治理結構與制度框架四個面向,檢視短期葉菜商品鏈的運作。但過去商品鏈的研究中,多缺乏針對小區域具體的觀察,因此本研究企圖透過區域性的微觀研究,加強商品鏈研究在社會關係、空間及環境的探討。於是筆者將生產端與運銷端的運作分成「人與地的關係」、「人與人的關係」、「地與地的關係」三個部分,分別從生產的區域差異,以及商品、勞力、技術與資訊流動所形成的社會空間來檢視商品鏈的運作。 研究結果發現,二崙鄉短期葉菜的種植,以家戶為主要單位,家庭成員為勞動力的主要來源,並透過自我剝削維持生計。耕作型態與種類深受自然環境與生物特性影響,人與土地緊密相依。但生產組織缺乏整合、凝聚力不強,社會空間主要以二崙鄉境內為主。在運銷端方面,二崙鄉短期葉菜的運銷管道眾多,可分為傳統運銷、共同運銷與契作,價格主要依據供需決定。傳統運銷依賴既有的社會網絡進行,形成穩固的社會關係;共同運銷的流動性較大;契作則透過合約形成固定的合作關係。商品的運銷範圍主要以台北一市、二市及三重市場為主,對台北市場形成高度的依賴。 透過生產端與運銷端的探討,發現短期葉菜商品鏈中,沒有一個節點可以完全整合或驅動商品鏈,成為一個生產、運銷之間不連續的商品鏈。在社會空間方面,由於距離的障礙,使其社會空間相對而言較為封閉,主要以二崙、西螺一帶為主。Erlun Township of Yunlin County is regarded as the most important production area for short-term leafy vegetables. In order to know the processing features and marketing structures of short-term leafy vegetables, this thesis aims to divide the production process in Erlun Township into two sections according to the concept of commodity chains: production end and marketing end. And by probing into the microstructure of the local marketing of leafy vegetables, the author examines the connection between the commodity chains, social networks, social space and environment in Erlun Township. The author finds that the planting of short-term leafy vegetables in Erlun Township is mainly based on households. The family members are the major sources of work force of farming and they depend on self-exploitation as the means of livelihood. Cultivation types and planting species are decided by the environment and biological characterizations, in other words; human is inseparable from the land. However, the narrow social space of Erlun Township leads to a loose production system, lacking of integration, and low cohesion. As for the marketing end of short-term leafy vegetables, there are quite a few marketing channels in Erlun Township such as conventional marketing, co-operative marketing and contract farming. And the prices of short-term leafy vegetables are mainly decided by the supply and demand of the market. Conventional marketing depends on the original social network and has a stable social relationship, while co-operative marketing has a better goods flow. And contract farming can lead to long-term cooperation partnerships between farmers. The marketing areas for short-term leafy vegetables are mainly around Taipei First Market, Taipei Second Market and Sanchong Market. Upon probing into the production end and marketing end for leafy vegetables, the author finds that there is no single node between the production process for the farmers to integrate or motivate the commodity chain and make it consecutive. And because of the distance between Erlun Township and other townships and the closed social space, which is only around Erlun and Hsiluo, there is a difficulty for the farmers to expand their marketing areas for short-term leafy vegetables.二崙鄉短期葉菜商品鏈社會空間Erlun Townshipshort-term leafy vegetablescommodity chainssocial space雲林縣二崙鄉短期葉菜產銷及其空間建構