楊自平Yang, Tzu-Ping2022-05-162022-05-162022-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/116104熊過為明代中葉的《易》學家,著有《周易象旨決錄》。熊過承繼並開展元代黃澤的象學觀,將整部《易》視為「象」,關注經文的「象旨」。熊過提出「因辭求象」的主張,強調整體性釋《易》,將卦畫與卦爻辭、《易傳》綰合為一。此外,熊過亦主張結合考據與釋象、通貫釋象與義理來掌握「象旨」。綜觀熊過《易》學,與一般認識的象數《易》學不同,異於虞翻、吳澄等著重解釋卦爻辭取象之由,熊過承繼黃澤獨特的象學主張,將考據、釋象、義理通貫為一,為後世釋《易》提供不同進路。Xiong Guo was Yijing commentator in the Yuan Dynasty, wrote the Zhouyixiangzhijuelu. The academic circles have discussed Xiong Guo's Yijing learning with more emphasis on the interpretation of the "Yi" level, but there are other aspects that have not been paid attention to. By inspecting the source on Yijing learning,from Huang Ze's physiognomy. In terms of development, he proposed nonparallel Image and the meaning of Image. He proposed the method to get Image by the terms of Yijing, emphasized a holistic way by interpreting Yijing and combined Image、terms of Yijing 、 Yi Zhuan . He advocated the combination of textual research and interpretation on images and a comprehensive interpretation of images and principles to master the meaning of Image. Through the Holistic survey of Xiong Guo's Yijing learning. Heinherited Huang Ze's theory of Image. Synthesis of evidential, International Image, thoughts. provides a reference for later interpretations of the Yijing learning.熊過周易象旨決錄黃澤易學明代Xiong GuoZhouyixiangzhijueluHuang ZezhiYijing learningMing Dynasty明代熊過《周易象旨決錄》之象學觀析論An Analysis the theory of Image for Xiong Guo's Zhouyixiangzhijuelu