國立臺灣師範大學體育學系陳鵬仁卓俊伶2016-08-042016-08-042005-11-011814-5108http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/80220身體活動對兒童的健康與發展有其重要性。過去在兒童的身體活動與健康關係的研究,大多著重在生理方面,甚少探索兒童身體活動與其社會發展面向的關聯。本研究旨在探討兒童身體活動量與同儕關係及個人在團體中社會互動的關聯性,採用「國小學童身體活動量問卷」與「社交測量地位指數」的研究方法,以立意取樣方式,選取國小三年級某班28名學童(平均年齡10.7±0.8歲)為研究對象。研究結果以皮爾遜積差相關法進行統計分析,並使用社會關係圖探討兒童在班級團體中的關係。結果發現:身體活動量與社會地位指數呈正相關(r=.42, p<.05),顯示兒童身體活動量愈高,在同儕間的社會地位愈高;而社會關係圖發現身體活動量高的兒童,相對地在班級團體中的關係也較好。Physical activity is critical to children's health and development. Previous studies on relations of physical activity and health in children were mainly stressed on physiological aspect. However, the impact of physical activity on social development was not given enough attention. The purpose of this study was to examine the association of physical activity levels and peer relation, and social interactions within group in children. Twenty-eight children in a class were purposive sampled and served as participants, whose average age were 10.7 � 0.8 years. The assessment of Physical Activity Questionnaire (PQA) and Index of Sociometric Status Score (ISSS) were completed by all participants. The collected data were analyzed by Pearson product moment correlation analysis and sociogram. The results between physical activity levels and Index of Sociometric Status Score were significantly and positively correlated (r=.42, p<.05), and it showed that the higher physical activity levels children have, the better social status they are. The sociogram displayed that children with higher physical activity levels have better peer relation than their counterparts.身體活動社會關係圖同儕關係Physical activitySociogramPeer relation兒童身體活動量與同儕關係Physical Activity Levels and Peer Relation in Children