陳明溥Ming-Puu Chen廖邦捷Ban-Chieh Liao2019-08-292019-8-42019-08-292014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060108022E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92862本研究旨在探討在不同擴增型態的學習環境下(靜態擴增、動態擴增)與不同引導策略(程序引導、問題引導)對高中一年級學習者電化學反應課程的學習成效和化學學習動機之影響。研究對象為普通高中一年級學習者,有效樣本為152人參與實驗教學。本實驗採用因子設計之準實驗研究法,自變項包含擴增型態與引導策略。擴增型態依照不同擴增實境呈現方式分為「靜態擴增」與「動態擴增」兩種型態,引導策略則分為「程序引導」以及「問題引導」兩種策略;依變項則包含電化學反應概念學習成效與化學學習動機。 研究結果顯示:(1)在知識應用面向,靜態擴增的學習環境中,程序引導組學習者學習電化學反應課程在知識應用向度高於問題引導組學習者;(2)在知識理解面向,靜態擴增之學習環境學習電化學反應概念優於在動態擴增之學習環境,且使用程序引導學習電化學反應概念優於使用問題引導;及(3)在不同擴增型態之學習環境進行學習皆持正向的動機表現;其中靜態擴增組學習者比動態擴增組學習者有較高的參與動機表現。The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of augmented reality types and guiding strategies on senior high school students’ performance and motivation of electrochemistry course. The participants were 152 freshmen of senior high school. A quasi-experimental design was employed and the independent variables were type of augmented reality and type of guidance strategy. The augmented reality types included the static augmented reality and the dynamic augmented reality, while the guiding strategies were the procedural guidance and the question guidance. The dependent variables were learning performance and learning motivation toward Chemistry. The results revealed that (a) while receiving the static augmented reality learning, the procedural guidance group achieved better learning application performance than the question guidance group; (b) as for the knowledge understanding performance, the static augmented reality group outperformed the dynamic augmented reality group, and the procedural guidance group outperformed the question guidance group; and (c) students showed positive motivation toward learning Chemistry no matter which augmented reality type they used, especially students who used the static augmented reality revealed higher motivation than those who used the dynamic augmented reality.擴增實境實驗遊戲擴增型態引導策略體驗式學習Augmented reality experimental gameaugmented reality typesguiding strategiesexperimental learning擴增型態與引導策略對高中電化學反應課程學習成效與動機之影響The Effects of Augmented Reality Types and Guiding Strategies on Senior High School Students' Performance and Motivation of Electrochemistry Course