田秀蘭Tien, Hsiu-Lan邱苡涵Chiu, Yi-Han2019-08-282017-02-012019-08-282017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060001040E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90520本研究旨在探討不同性別的國中學生在親職化與孝道信念與生涯決定困難間的關聯性。採用立意抽樣,從國內北中南區國中抽取448位國中學生為研究對象,並採用問卷調查法進行資料蒐集。本研究所使用的工具包括,「親職化量表」、「孝道信念量表」、「生涯決定困難量表」調查所得資料,以單因子變異數分析、典型相關及多元回歸之統計方法進行處理,研究結果如下: 一、出生序為老大及中間子女,其親職化分數顯著高於老么及獨生子女 二、國中生親職化於父母婚姻狀況達顯著,特別是不公平性。 三、學生的父母的婚姻狀況是同住他們的相互性孝道信念顯著高於分居 四、國中生父親教育程度為博碩士畢業或肄業,他們的相互性孝道信念分數顯著低於其父親教育程度為大學(專科)以下 五、國中生母親教育程度為博碩士畢業或肄業,其相互性孝道信念之分數顯著低於其母親的教育程度為大學以下 六、男生於缺乏動機量表的平均分數顯著高於女生 七、國中生生涯決定困難在父母婚姻狀況達顯著差異,特別是缺乏動機量表 八、國中生生涯決定困難在母親教育程度整體而言有顯著差異。 九、國中生親職化與孝道信念有一組典型相關,達統計上之顯著意義。 十、國中生親職化與生涯決定困難有兩組典型相關,達統計上之顯著意義。 十一、國中生孝道信念與生涯決定困難有一組典型相關,達統計上顯著意義。 十二、親職化、孝道信念對整體生涯決定困難有顯著預測力,其中以不公平性對整體生涯決定困難有顯著之預測力。The purpose of the study was to investigate the differences and relations among parentification, filial piety and career decision-making difficulties of junior high school students with various family backgrounds. The predictablitity of parenfication and filial piety on career decision-making difficulties for junior high school students were also evaluated. The sample consisted of 448 students (196 males and 204 females) from five junior high schools in Taiwan with purposive sampling. The study gathered information through questionnaire surveys. The instruments utilized were Parentification Scale, Filial Piety Scale and Career Decision-making Difficulties Scale. The data collected were analyzed by descriptive statistics, one-way MANOVA, canonical correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The results were as follows: 1.The parentification scores are significantly higher of the oldest and middle children than those of the youngest children and single child. 2.The parentification of junior high school students varies significantly from parential marital status, especially the scale of unfairness. 3.The students whose parents’ parential marital status is living together, their reciprocal filial piety scores are significantly higher than those students whose parents are separated. 4.The reciprocal filial piety scores are significantly lower for the junior school students whose father’s educational level is doctoral, master degree or incompletion than those students whose father’s educational level is equal to or lower than bachelor degree. 5.The reciprocal filial piety scores are significantly lower for the junior high school students whose mother’s educational level is doctoral, master degree or incompletion than those students whose mother’s educational level is equal to or lower than bachelor degree. 6.The lake of motivation scales of boys are significantly higher than that of girls. 7.The career decision-making difficulty of junior high students varied significantly from the parential marital status, especially the scale of the lack of motivation 8.The career decision-making difficulty of junior high students varied significantly from mother’s educational level. 9.There was one significant canonical correlation between parentification and filial piety. 10.There were two significant canonical correlation between parentification and career decision-making difficulties. 11.There was one significant canonical correlation between filial piety and career decision-making difficulties. 12.The predicatablities of parentification and filial piety on career decision-making difficulties were significant. The unfairness is the predictable variable. Suggestions were discussed and proposed for career and family guidance and future research based on the results.親職化孝道信念生涯決定困難career decision-making difficulitiesfilial pietyparentification國中生親職化與孝道信念與生涯決定困難關聯研究The Relationship among Parentification, Filial piety and Career Decision-making Difficulties of Junior High School Students.