張鳳琴Chang, Fong-Ching李佳融Lee, Chia-Jung2022-06-082026-08-012022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/61639f66ba83fe5080eec332e7e132e7/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117649本研究旨在瞭解親子共學介入對國中家長的數位行銷認知、數位行銷素養、數位行銷風險感知、數位行銷管教效能之影響。本研究選取民國109學年度新北市某國中八年級學生的家長為研究對象,以準實驗設計分為實驗組和對照組,採問卷調查,共收集有效問卷103份,包含實驗組59份和對照組44份。每週進行親子共學介入,共計五次。利用廣義估計方程式(Generalized Estimating Equations)進行分析,評價親子共學介入之效果。研究結果顯示,親子共學介入顯著提升家長的數位行銷風險感知,然對家長的數位行銷素養、數位行銷認知、數位行銷管教效能未達顯著差異,惟實驗組的後測分數有較前測進步。本研究建議學校與政府推動親子共學課程,透過親子工作坊與新媒體,以增進家長與孩子的數位行銷素養。The purpose of this research was to explore the effects of co-learning intervention on parents’ digital marketing cognition, digital marketing literacy, digital marketing risk perception, and digital marketing parenting efficacy. The participants were 103 parents of eighth grade students from a junior high school in New Taipei City in 2021. They were assigned to two groups by quasi-experimental design: the experimental group (n = 59) and the control group (n = 44). The experimental group received pre- and post-test and five-week co-learning intervention, while the control group received pre- and post-test. Generalized Estimating Equations method was used to evaluate the effects of the intervention.The results indicated that this co-learning intervention significantly increased parents’ digital marketing risk perceptions, including risk perceptions in online contact, content, and behaviors. This co-learning intervention did not significantly improve parents’ digital marketing knowledge, digital marketing literacy, and digital marketing parenting efficacy, while the mean scores of post-test scores for the experimental group were higher than those of pre-test. It was suggested that schools or governments could provide co-learning programs and implement parent-child workshop and online courses to strengthen parents’ digital marketing literacy.數位行銷素養家長親子共學風險感知管教效能digital marketing literacyparentco-learningrisk perceptionparenting efficacy親子共學介入對國中家長數位行銷素養之成效研究Effects of Digital Marketing Literacy Co-learning Intervention on Parents of Junior High School Students學術論文