單文經2014-10-272014-10-271991-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/25544本文寫作的目的,在概覽有關美英學者對於讀書方法的研究及相關文獻,以歸納適用於大專學生的讀書方法,尋繹其理論基礎,並據以提出若干建議,俾供我國高等教育機構改進大專學生讀書方法的參考。全文共分為三個部分。第一部分,從(一)自我管理、(二)上課與聽講、(三)完成閱讀作業、(四)寫作報告、及(五)參加考試等五節,分別探討經過實徵研究證實為有效的讀書方法與應行注意的事項。第二部分,則分為:(一)信息處理模式;(二)後設認知過程;(三)動機過程;及(四)統整的模式等四節,分析有效讀書方法的理論及模式。第三部分,則分別就研究、教學及行政配合方面,提出下列建議:(一)加強有關讀書方法的研究。本文作者並擬訂了一套長程的研究計劃大綱。(二)提升大專學生的讀書方法與技巧。本文作者建議:(1)製作適用於大專學生的讀書方法與技巧的套裝教材;(2)鼓勵大專教師協助大專學生改進讀書方法與技巧;(3)協助大專學生對於所須完成的功課有明確的認識;(4)增加對大專學生完成功課的教學輔導;作者並建議大專生宜(2)設法建立一套有效讀書方法的知識庫。文中並簡介本文作者請在我國大專學校服務的同仁,代為實施的有關我國大學生讀書方法現況調查的初歩研究之結果。該項研究指出,絕大部分的我國大專學生,在讀書方法上都有相當程度的困難,並且認為有必要加強這方面的指導或正式教學。In this paper, I am trying to answer three questions:(a)What study skills have been found by researchers to be effective for college students?(b)What theories can account for these findings(c)What are the implications of research findings about study skills for higher education in Taiwan?I will approach these questions in three different sections. Study skills acquisition is difficult, and many students are not proficient study skills users (Armbruster & Anderson, 1981). I found in my pilot study that this is the case for college students in Taiwan(Note 1). This revealed that our college students need more guidance and instruction in study skills acquisition. To my knowledge, however, no university offers direct study skills instruction to their students and little research on college students' use of study skills has been done in Taiwan. I hope that this paper, a synthesis of the study skills research and literature, will have implications for higher education in Taiwan. The primary sources used in this paper involve research using college students as subjects, supplemented by research using subjects at other school levels as well as related literature about theory and practice of study skills.A Literature Review of Study Skills for College Students大專學生讀書方法的理論與實際