蕭顯勝Hsiao, Hsien-Sheng潘英豪2019-09-032016-8-272019-09-032012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699710458%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/96888目前熱門的雲端運算將過去的網格運算搭配網際網路加以變革,將傳統的主從式架構重新建構出一套跨平台與高度彈性的運算架構。過去在建置數位學習系統之初,需要自建網頁與資料庫等相關系統平台,後續設備的維護、功能性以及安全性的要求,都需要相應的系統建置人力、成本與時間;而雲端運算服務能快速建構數位學習管理平台,不需負擔關於軟硬體配備的相容性或支援程度,能利用高度彈性的雲端系統與資源分配,改善系統可靠度並提升同儕學習的頻率與激發自身的創造力。 本研究將以私有雲的服務模式為取向,建置一個可支援華語文教師方便上傳與管理多媒體教材的開放式學習管理平台,利用開放式的格式讓教材於不同終端達成同樣的學習體驗,系統亦提供開放式格式打包轉檔的功能,達到行動學習載具上的離線觀看效果,並善用分散式與高度擴充的優勢,提供較傳統架構更多同時上線使用者的承載能力,並支援彈性擴充支援千人至萬人同時上線,使華語文學習相關使用者藉由新的系統提高數位華語文學習的滿意度。The Cloud computing was reconstructed by the traditional Client-Server model, however, Cloud computing is a highly flexible computing architecture nowadays. In the past, when you need to create a learning system, building the website and other related hardware are necessary pre-tasks, which including to maintenance equipment and many of functionality servers to keeping appropriate manpower, costs of money and time. Now the Cloud computing tech has been available as high availability and flexible service of learning system, you may increase study experiences and students’ creativity. This system will be easy to upload and manage their multimedia files. And the OpenCourseWare of learning system private cloud which also supporst the open formats files; reaching the same experience between standard computer and mobile devices, to expand effectiveness of the OpenCoursesWare for education. This thesis will be implemented an private cloud service model orientation, build a CMS platform for Chinese language teachers for easy upload and management of multimedia teaching materials, the cloud CMS system also provides an open format packaged conversion function to achieve as an open format for mobile learning and portable those multimedia materials. The system may support for flexible expansion to thousands of people while on-line Chinese language learning which is related to the user by the cloud CMS system that increase the satisfaction for Chinese language learning.雲端運算私有雲教育雲虛擬化ePub課程打包開放式課程華語文數位學習網站cloud computingprivate cloudeducational cloudvirtualizationePubcourses packingopen course waree-learning system for Chinese language教育雲端開放性課程教學服務系統之建置Building an open course ware service system on cloud computin