蘇憲法教授SU HSIEN FA林仁雯LIN JEN WEN2020-12-102017-6-272020-12-102012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0098603104%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115038藝術可以反映出許多物象的意涵,是人類精神的昇華,也是生命內涵的養分,雖然世界上藝術派別不勝枚舉,所持的主張也各具深意,但藝術終究還是脫離不了人與人生─人與人生實為藝術的靈魂所在。 筆者的研究主題為「心鏡 – 生命體驗之繪畫創作研究」,所有創作是透過自我生命及觀察他人生命的體驗,以充滿心靈語彙的畫面來呈現,為了不讓創作流於形式,在自我情感轉移及心象重塑之下,運用了象徵主義與表現主義的精神,以半具象符號,來象徵自己所要表達的情感與心境,並且藉由此次的研究整理出自己生命中的心靈蛻變,並且可以從各種表現形式得到內心永不止息的續存空間與人文情感的關懷。本論文共分為五章,分述如下: 第一章 緒論:包含研究動機、目的、範圍與方法。 第二章 創作理念與分析:論述感官產生知覺繼而引發情感之連鎖效應,分析周圍環境對情緒的影響及各種情感象徵之目的,並說明自我生命及觀察生命所體驗之心得。 第三章 創作理論基礎:首先從醫學及心理學方面著眼來探討人之情緒變化及各種情緒下所產生的心理及生理現象,並說明象徵主義及表現主義對筆者創作的影響及啟發。 第四章 創作內容、形式與技法:就個人創作內容、形式及媒材技法做一分析。 第五章 作品解說:針對筆者每件作品述說創作思考過程與內容。Art can reflect the meaning of many images, is the sublimation of the human spirit, but also the valuable nutrients of life connotation. And art factions in the world are numerous, advocates held a unique significance, but the art is after all inseparable from the human beings and life - human being and lives in fact are the Soul of Art. Author's theme of "Mirrors of the Heart - The life experience in painting, all creation is from my life experience and observation of the lives of others, the screen is full of soul vocabulary, in order to prevent creation of a mere formality, as the transfer of emotional self and the mentality remodeling use the spirit of symbolism and expressionism with a semi-like symbol to express emotions and mood, by the study, I sorted out the spiritual transformation of mylife, and through the various manifestations, I found an immortal space for my heart and care to the human being. This thesis is divided into five chapters, as described below: The first chapter: contains the motivation, purpose, scope and methods. Chapter 2: Performance of the life experience in painting: on the sensory perception subsequently lead to feelings’ knock-on effect, analysis of the environment on the emotional impact and the purposes of feelings, and discusses the self-experience and observe lives. Chapter 3: Creation theory: first from the medical and psychological aspects of focus to explore the heart in the people of the emotional changes both in psychological and physiological phenomena, and explain how the symbolism and expressionism inspired and impacted the author’s creation. Chapter 4: Creative content, forms and techniques: analysis personal creative content, form and media techniques. Chapter 5: Works narration: by creative thinking, manifestations and techniques, introduce each piece of my creations.情緒感官原生家庭生命體驗emotionsensorynative familylife experiences心鏡─生命體驗之繪畫創作研究Mirrors of the Heart─A Study on Life Experience in Painting