蔡錫濤Shir-Tau Tsai廖培瑜Pei-Yu Liao2019-09-032003-07-012019-09-032002http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0068971023%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/96303  本研究旨在探討企業訓練線上學習成效評量之相關議題,包括企業使用線上學習之現況、企業訓練線上學習成效評量之內涵、影響企業線上學習成效評量設計之因素、以及企業訓練線上學習成效評量後設評鑑之內涵。本研究採質的個案研究方法,以深度訪談方式進行多重個案資料的蒐集。研究的過程中,研究者共選取了六位具有線上學習事務經驗的專業人士進行訪談,訪談後將訪談內容轉錄為逐字稿,並進行資料的整理與分析,最後得到以下的結論: 一、目前企業使用線上學習仍在起步的階段。 二、企業的線上學習系統包含學習平台與線上課程。 三、線上學習的工作團隊負責學習系統的維護與操作,而線上學習   課程中,主要的參與人員包括了學習者、教學者、以及HR人   員。 四、學習者可以在系統開放的任何時間使用線上學習的活動,不過   受限於公司的系統安全政策,學習者僅能在特定的場所使用線   上學習。 五、線上學習是知識管理中的知識管理者。 六、學習者學習習慣的不同是線上學習的一大阻礙。 七、學習評量的目的包括幫助學習者學習、查核訓練或學習的成   效、以及改善課程設計的依據。 八、學習評量的方法包括線上問卷、線上測驗、家庭作業、討論   區、留言版、文章分享、學習者歷程記錄,以及線上即時會談   等方式。 九、企業在使用線上學習評量的時機主要可分為兩種,分別是課程   中進行評量以及課程後進行評量。 十、學習評量的運用原則包括依據教學者的理念、使用平台提供的   支援功能、以及彈性調配評量方法。 十一、學習評量的回饋內涵包括評量結果回饋的對象、評量回饋的    管道、以及評量結果的應用。 十二、企業使用線上學習評量活動的困難包括了成本的限制、學員    工作太忙、以及國人填答問卷的習慣。 十三、評量方法選擇的考量因素主要有課程類別、教學方式、容易    使用的評量方式、學員背景、以及依評量設計者與執行者的    個別考量。 十四、評量時機的考量因素主要是成本的限制。 十五、企業較不會考慮線上學習的公正性與安全性的問題。 十六、設計線上評量與實體評量有不同的考量。 十七、線上學習之後設評鑑參與者,主要是HR人員和講師。 十八、線上學習之後設評鑑時機,主要可分成課程中進行與課程後 進行。 十九、評量改善的方向包括確認評量結果的品質、加入課前評量的    功能、擴充題庫及確認題目的有效性、評量越簡單越容易執    行,學習者越容易接受、以及改變企業對線上學習評量的觀    念。The purpose of this study was to investigate the important issues of assessing the learning performance for corporate on-line learning. It included the status, components, factors affecting the design and meta-evaluation of assessing learning performance for corporate on-line learning. A qualitative method of case study with in-depth interviews was employed to collect the data. Six professionals of on-line learning in various companies were interviewed. The author then converted the recorded tapes into Word files. The main concepts of the files were extracted following a preset data analysis procedure. The findings and conclusions were made based on the analyzed data. The conclusions are as the followings: 1.The status of using on-line learning systems is still in its infancy stage. 2.The components of an on-line learning system consist of a platform and on-line courses. 3.The operational team in charge of the maintenance and operation of the system. Meanwhile, the learners, instructors and HR staff are the major participants of an on-line learning system. 4.The learners usually are able to access the on-line learning system at anytime but only in the specific places designated by the company for the reasons of system security. 5.An on-line learning system can serve as a knowledge management system for the corporate knowledge management. 6.The way a leaner using an on-line learning system is one of the main sources of barriers in promoting on-line learning. 7.The purposes of learning evaluation are three-fold: helping the learner to learn, auditing the training event and improving the training program. 8.The approaches of assessing on-line learning performances comprise of on-line questionnaire, on-line test, homework, discussing area, comments area, article sharing, learning process record, and on-line synchronic meeting. 9.The timing of evaluation maybe during or after the on- line learning session. 10.The three basic principles in conducting evaluation are based on the philosophy of the instructor, the supporting functions provided by the system platform and applying evaluation methods elastically. 11.The dimensions of evaluation feedback are audience, channel and applications of evaluation results. 12.The difficulties of employing on-line evaluation come from lack of budget, busy learners and the tendency of answering questions of learners. 13.The factors that affect the choice of evaluation methods are type of course, instructional strategies, how easy to use the evaluation tool, background of the learner and decisions made by evaluation designer or evaluator. 14.The cost will affect the timing of evaluation. 15.The companies tend not to be concerning about the fairness and cheating of on-line evaluation. 16.The design of on-line and off-line evaluations is different. 17.Meta-evaluation of an on-line evaluation is usually done by HR staff or the instructor. 18.The timing of a meta-evaluation maybe during or after the on-line learning evaluation. 19.The focuses of meta-evaluation are confirming the quality of results of the on-line learning evaluation, adding pre-tests, expanding question bank and verifying its validity, simplifying the evaluation process and changing the perspectives of the company toward the on- line learning evaluation.企業訓練線上學習學習成效評量後設評鑑Corporate trainingOn-line learningLearning performance assessmentMeta-evaluation企業訓練線上學習成效評量之研究A Study of Assessing the On-line Learning