張子超Chang, Tzu-Chau莊潔Chuang, Chien2023-12-082022-08-172023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/034558f9f940a0b4638161d3e52ce4f4/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121309教育工作者是引領學生邁向友善環境與永續生活方式的關鍵角色,因此,提升人員的專業素養為推動環境教育之必要路徑。我國環境教育法執行已逾十年,累積數量可觀的認證環境教育人員,尤其以學校單位所屬環教人員比例最高。然而目前正規體系環教人員缺乏專業素養發展指引,應進一步探討以利人員專業成長,並做為人員職涯藍圖。本研究旨在探究正規教育體系下中小學校環境教育人員的職責與專業素養內涵。以教師專業發展、成人學習、職能積木模式為理論,研究採混合設計,以紮根理論的質性研究分析方法進行職責框架的建立,再透過職能分析的流程,彙整為專業素養內涵,並以敘述性統計與IPA分析結果。研究期程自2018到2022年,分四階段進行:前導階段,以文件分析、訪談三位學者與四位資深環境教育工作者蒐集資料,彙整後透過同儕研究會議與專家諮詢會議建立初步架構;第二「確立職責」階段,透過學者專家與實務工作者共32位之三場焦點團體確認職責、工作內容架構;第三「檢核內涵」階段,邀請上述32位成員逐項檢視各層級內容,獲得修訂建議與必要性統計數據後,得出具體作為與專業素養內涵;第四調查階段,運用「學校環境教育人員專業素養內涵分析調查」問卷,調查43位中小學績優環境教育人員,獲得質性意見與統計數據,與前階段比對後修訂為「學校環境教育人員專業素養內涵分析」。研究最終提出以下幾點結論:一、學校環境教育人員應包含行政、教學、領導三類角色;二、從個人擴及到團隊的專業素養成長;三、「有系統的規劃學校師生EE增能活動」一項應優先改善;四、「最必要專業素養內涵」應為學校環教人員優先提升項目;五、「學校環境教育人員專業素養架構」為三層級模式。研究結果可供未來學校環境教育人員自我檢核、課程規劃與政策訂定之參考,並提出未來研究主題與對象建議。Educators play the key roles in leading students towards a sustainable lifestyle. Building capacities of educators, therefore, is the necessary path to promote environmental education. Environmental Education Act in Taiwan has been implemented for more than a decade, and a considerable number of certified environmental education personnel has accumulated. More than a half are personnel from school, but lack of professional development guidelines. Research and exploration should be undertaken to provide educators direction for development and career blueprint.This research aims to explore the tasks and competencies of environmental educators in primary and secondary schools, with theories of professional development and competency building blocks model. With mixed method, grounded theory was used in qualitative data analysis to establish the task framework, and competencies included knowledge and skills were developed through the process of competency analysis and with the results of descriptive statistics and IPA. The study is conducted in four phases: First, collecting data from content analysis and interviews on scholars and senior educators, developing the framework of tasks of school environmental educators, then revising the framework after an expert consulting meeting. In the second stage, the tasks and work content were confirmed through tree focus group discussions with 32 experts. Third, advise of experts and senior practitioners were collecting through a verification questionnaire, then revised and developed the behavior index and competencies as framework version 3.0. In the final stage, questionnaire was applied with 43 awarded educators, then revised as version 4.0 as the result of this study.According to the results, the research finally came up with the following conclusions: the roles of school environmental educators are not limited to administration and teaching; school environmental education should be promoted by teams; “Planning EE activities systematically for teachers and students’ environmental literacy” should be prioritized for improvement;"most necessary competencies" for school environmental educators should be prioritized for professional development; three levels of "competency framework for school environmental educators" are proposed. The research results can be used as a reference for future self-assessment, policy formulation and professional development curriculum planning.正規教育體系環境教育學校環境教育人員工作職責專業素養內涵職能分析formal environmental educationschool environmental education personneltaskscompetenciescompetency analysis學校環境教育人員工作職責與專業素養內涵探究A Study on Tasks and Competencies of Environmental Education Personnel in Elementary and Secondary Schools in Taiwanetd