盧承杰Lu, Cheng-Chieh古娜迪Mutiasani, Nadia2024-12-179999-12-312024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/17edb7ba0b2840caa3447d6c2e1b29b1/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122104noneThe future pipeline of workers, Generation Z (born in 1997 – 2012), is starting to emerge in the working industry, and leaders should pay close attention to them. Indonesian Gen Z constitutes the largest demographic group, occupying 27.94% of the total population. However, during the post-pandemic, Gen Z’s working behavior shifted to less commitment to the organization and lower performance. Several reasons are causing this phenomenon, such as an organization’s failure to forge genuine connections with its employees, lack of chances to learn and grow, and feelings of care. Therefore, this study focused on analyzing the relationship between empowering leadership, In-role behavior (IRB), organizational citizenship behavior-organization (OCBO), organizational citizenship behavior-individual (OCBI), and future work self-salience (FWSS) was proposed as the mediator between such relationship. Utilizing the online questionnaire distributed through purposive and snowball sampling, this study obtained 264 valid respondents from Indonesian Gen Z workers. The data were analyzed using IBM SPSS AMOS 26.0 software. The research findings confirmed that empowering leadership exhibits a significant positive influence on OCBO, OCBI, and FWSS but not on IRB. Also, a novel finding is that FWSS can influence IRB and OCBI significantly but not OCBO. Lastly, FWSS did not have any mediating effects between variables.noneempowering leadershipfuture work self-saliencein-role behaviororganizational citizenship behaviorGen ZEmpowering Leadership, In-Role and Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Generation Z in Indonesia: Future Work Self-Salience as A MediatorEmpowering Leadership, In-Role and Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Generation Z in Indonesia: Future Work Self-Salience as A Mediator學術論文