沈六博士林昭秀2019-08-282011-7-202019-08-282006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0590071018%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88417國中教師家庭價值觀之研究 論文摘要 基於國中教師為家庭教育推動者且為價值觀傳遞的重要角色。本研究旨在瞭解國中教師家庭價值觀概況及不同個人特質國中教師家庭價值觀之現況與差異,並探討國中教師家庭價值觀之形成因素與國中教師家庭課程的需求。 本研究研究方法採行問卷調查法。首先,透過文獻探討了解家庭價值觀的涵義、形成理論及相關研究;其次,本研究依據周麗端(2004)編製家庭價值觀量表及研究者依據理論與相關研究而編製的家庭價值觀形成因素題及家庭課程需求題融合製作「國中教師家庭價值觀調查問卷」,總共抽樣調查466位現任國中教師。最後,將調查所得資料輸入SPSS統計軟體,依據研究設計進行描述性統計分析、t考驗分析、單因子變異數分析、Schffe事後比較分析、交叉表分析等程序。茲將本研究結果綜合歸納如下: 一、國中教師的整體家庭價值觀傾向傳統 二、國中教師家庭價值觀之家庭責任、親子關係、婚姻與家庭面向傾向傳統;生養子女、性別角色面向傾向現代。 三、不同性別國中教師在生養子女、性別角色、家庭責任、整體家庭價值觀等面向的家庭價值觀有顯著差異;在婚姻與家庭、親子關係面向则無顯著差異。 四、不同年齡國中教師在婚姻與家庭、生養子女、性別角色、整體家庭價值觀等面向有顯著差異;在親子關係、家庭責任等面向並無顯著差異。 五、師範畢業與否國中教師在整體家庭價值觀及其各面向並無顯著差異。 六、不同婚姻型態國中教師在婚姻與家庭、生養子女、親子關係、性別角色、整體家庭價值觀等面向有顯著差異;在家庭責任面向上並無顯著差異。 七、國中教師家庭價值觀形成因素主要來自於家庭,最後是學校。 八、國中教師家庭課程需求以親職教育課程為最需求。 九、國中教師選擇親職教育課程需求以女教師、已婚教師居多。 十、有無選擇親職教育課程國中教師其生養子女、親子關係面向並無顯著差異。 最後,本研究根據統計分析結果,提出相關建議,以期未來學校教育工作著從事家庭教育之學術研究參考。 【關鍵字】 國中教師、家庭價值觀A Study of Family values of Teachers at Junior High Schools Abstract Base on junior high school teachers were importment rules to push familfy education and transmit values.The purpose of this study was to understand family values of junior high school teachers and the difference of gender,martial status,age,graduated normal and un-normal university that were junior high school teachers`family values and it`s significant difference. The research used a questionnaire entitled ‘‘Questionnaire to suevey junior high school teachers`family values’’and the subjects of survey were junior high school teachers in Taiwan selected through stratified sampling.466 effective samples were received.The data were collected and analyzed by descriptive statistics,t-test,one-way ANOVA,Scheffe`Method, and Cross Table statistics. The major findings were as follows: 1.The whole family values for junior high school teachers in Taiwan tend to be traditional. 2.The family values in terms of family responsibility,parent and child relation,marriage and the family tend to be traditional;the family values in terms of born and educate child,gender role tend to be modern. 3.There were significant gender difference in terms of born and educate child,gender role,family responsibility,the whole family value among the junior high school teachers;There were no significant gender difference in terms of marriage and the family,parent and child relation among the junior high school teachers. 4. There were significant difference in terms of marriage and the family,born and educate child,gender role,the whole family value in the junior high school teachers from different age ;There were no significant difference in terms of parent and child relation, family responsibility in the junior high school teachers from different age. 5.There was no significant difference in terms of marriage and the family,born and educate child, parent and child relation ,gender role, family responsibility ,the whole family value among the junior high school teachers from graduated normal and un-normal university. 6. There were significant difference in terms of marriage and the family,born and educate child, parent and child relation,gender role,the whole family value in the junior high school teachers from different martial status ;There were no significant difference in terms of family responsibility in the junior high school teachers from different . martial status. 7.The major factor of forming family values in the junior high school teachers was from family,and the final factor was from school. 8.The first demand of family courses for junior high school teachers was parent education. 9.The most of junior high school teachers for choosing parent education course were women ,and had-married teachers. 10.There was no significant difference in terms of born and educate child, parent and child relation among the junior high school teachers for chosed and un-chosed parent education course. According to the study outcomes,some concrete suggestions were offered references for the junior high school teachers,the Ministry of Education,the school administration and correlated studies in the future. Keywords:junior high school teacher,family value.國中教師家庭價值觀Junior High School TeachersFamily values國中教師家庭價值觀之研究A Study of Family values of Teachers at Junior High Schools