張子超Chang, Tzu-Chao呂采玲Lu, Tsai-Ling2019-09-052023-11-052019-09-052017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060346009S%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103583環境始終圍繞著人們的生活,如何讓人們意識土地的重要性,成為教育與環境結合的關鍵。從教育的角度,少子化的趨勢儼然是事實,愈發廣泛的是人們對於教育價值的思考與追求。為此,政府政策的施行與學校課程的設計也順應時代潮流發展出特色課程。特色課程是一門集在地化而發展區域特性的教學過程,據此,從融入環境素材的課程來瞭解人與環境間的關係成為本文之探究目的。 透過讓學生與環境間的真實互動來論述這場人與土地的關係,因此,本文選以台北市立湖山國民小學為研究場域,從地方感的視野來針對以兒童為研究對象的情感連結做探討,且將地方感作層次上的區分為:「地方依賴」、「地方認同」、「地方依附」,以此三個面向的形成,運用質性訪談來分析藍染一系列體驗課程中給予六年級19位學生的地方感形塑與建立後的影響。且另再輔以藍染課程設計教師與該班導師進行訪談、參與觀察和文件蒐集等方式讓研究資料更為完備。 研究結果發現:特色課程給予學生地方感的建立,應是透過「文化」的融入課程教學,使學生獲取認知進而發展地方依賴;透過「環境」的型塑課程教學,使學生形成情意進而發展地方認同;透過「人」的影響課程教學,使學生養成行為進而發展地方依附,而本文也發現透過此三面向的分析,地方感是有層次的建立,而且層次之間相互的影響與形成。另外,一門特色課程的發展也應當考量課程內涵─融入在地元素、教學策略─採用體驗學習、學校行政─師長的參與與支持,才得以發展完整、從中提升學生與土地的連結。The environment had always been tightly connected with humans. Therefore, teaching the importance of environmental awareness is critical in education. With the quantity of pupils decreasing due to low birth rates, it is time to think about an education with better quality for these students. As result, the government policies should design a school curriculum that adds characteristic course. It is a teaching process that focuses on the development of regional characteristics, adding environmental awareness and quality to the current curriculum. The purpose of this article is to understand the effect of integrating the environment into teaching materials had on students. This article was based on field observations in Taipei Municipal Hu-Shan Elementary School. The research used sense of place to led discussions with the children about emotional connection with their environment. Sense of place was divided into three different categories: "place dependence", "place identity" and "place attachment". Qualitative interviews were conducted to analyze the indigo dyeing course’s effects on shaping the 19 sixth grade students’ environmental awareness. Furthermore, the indigo dyeing course’s design was discussed with teachers and faculty members in the form of interviews were. They were also involved in the observation of the indigo dyeing course and made the research materials more complete. The study found the feature curriculums should be done through "culture" to give students the sense of place establishment. This helps students develop place dependence. Furthermore, adding "environment" to the plastic course teaching would form students’ feelings and develop place identity. Finally, adding "people" of the curriculum teaching, students develop behavior and then place attachment. This article used the three-oriented analysis, found that the sense of place was a level of the establishment, mutual influence and formation. In addition, the development of a special course should also consider the curriculum content, such as elements of the ground, teaching strategies, using experiential learning, school administration, participation and support of teachers and parents. Using those elements to develop a complete link between students and land.特色課程體驗學習地方感藍染feature curriculumsexperiential learningsense of placeindigo dyeing特色課程對國小學童地方感形塑影響之研究─以臺北市立湖山國民小學藍染特色課程為例The influence of feature curriculum on Students' Sence of Place─Using indigo dyeing course in Hu-Shan Elementary School as an example