王順美張佳怡2019-09-052013-8-142019-09-052013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699460041%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103756本研究探討反國光石化運動中的「全民來認股 守護白海豚」活動所採用的策略,這是台灣過去環境運動所未曾使用過的策略。由於政府要將99%是國有地的彰化大城、芳苑溼地,以每平方公尺100元賣給財團填海造陸建造國光石化,此舉除了將大規模破壞珍貴的彰化泥灘地海域外,也將阻斷即將瀕臨絕種的台灣白海豚的迴遊廊道。因此環保團體以此為訴求,呼籲民眾用國民環境信託的方式,一起將珍貴的自然環境買回來。 本研究為個案研究法,採質性研究取向,資料來源為以立意取樣之方式,深度訪談9位共同發起團體之代表,以及相關文件蒐集。個案時間範圍自2010年4月11日起至2011年4月22日止,以社會行銷理論探討共同發起團體所採用的策略、所達到之效果,以及方案的環境教育內涵。 研究發現,「全民來認股 守護白海豚」活動以守護白海豚及大城溼地為核心產品;本活動的產品為分為河口、黑潮、夕陽、觀浪、海風、招潮蟹、彈塗魚、蝦猴、文蛤、牡蠣的大城溼地及白海豚的洄遊廊道的認養;民眾可以自行挑選喜愛的區域進行認股。價格為每平方公尺119元,人們多出19元,就比政府的售價要高,強調民眾是財團還有誠意,也揭露出政府不重視自然環境的珍貴價值;通路為各個共同發團體,除了提升公信力,更讓本活動的通路更為多元,讓各個團體的會員或支持者都知道認股的訊息;推廣方式則包括公共關係、印刷文宣品及人員行銷,並且運用國民環境信託做為解決環境問題的技能,二階段共有將近七萬位認股人,最後導引出勸說、政治、法律等三個集體環境行動。 推廣認股所採用的文宣品及簡報,內涵均包括環境教育的覺知、知識、態度、技能及參與五大目的,同時,一改過去抗爭、號召民眾上街遊行等透過媒體傳送容易給人負面印象的環境運動策略,本活動以推廣國民環境信託、保護白海豚這種正向、柔性,偏向教育方式進行的策略,讓一般民眾及小朋友也可以為環境盡一份心力,真正實踐了國民環境信託由下而上參與自然保育的精神。本活動也讓我們認識了溼地是重要的生態系,而非只能拿來填海造陸的無用之地;以及在布滿工業區的台灣西海岸有瀕臨絕種的白海豚,透過保護白海豚的訴求,讓我們思考,開發案的必要性及其對環境保護及人民健康的影響The purpose of this study was to explore the strategy of “National Trust to conserve Taiwanese White Dolphins’ Habitat” campaign by Social Marketing Theory. This campaign was one of anti-Kuokuang petrochemical factory movement. Activists representing seven environmental groups had gathered about 70,000 signatures and sought to publicize how the factory, which was to refine 300,000 barrels a day, would harm the endangered population of pink-hued Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins. In order to understand the stretagy used by environmental groups , its effect, and the environmental education contents, this study using case study research approach, semi-structure interview 9 environmental activsts and document collection was data resource. The case bounded from April 11, 2010 to April 22, 2011. Research found that, the product of this campaign was to portect pink-hued Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins and Dacheng wetland; people can choose different area to subscribe. The price was TWD 119 each square meter, higher than TWD 100 that government wanted to sell to Kuokuang petrochemical Co., Ltd., emphise that people valued Dacheng wetland.The place was the 9 environmental groups, enhance the credibility of this campaign. The promotion including public relations, printed promotional materials and personal selling. National trust was the skill to solve the environmental problem the will cause by Kuokuang petrochemical factory. The result of this campaign was: 1) 70,000 peole who subscribe Dacheng wetland; 2) environmental groups and people take three environmental action including persuasion, political and legal action. The enviromental education contents of printed promotional materials and berfing including awerness, knowledge, attitude, skill and participation.In Taiwan, it was the first time, environmental group use national trust gathering people to participate environmental movement. Comparing to demonstration and protest stretagy that used by environmental movement, this is softly and educational stretagy, people and children can do something to protect the environment. We also understanded tha wetland is very important ecosystem, and there are pink-hued Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins living in west coast, by appealing protect dolphins, people can think the necessity of devloping project and its effect to the environmen and healthy of people.社會行銷全民來認股 守護白海豚國民環境信託social marketingNational Trust to Conserve Taiwanese White Dolphins’ habitatnational trust以社會行銷理論探討「全民來認股 守護白海豚」行動的策略運用A Case Study of “National Trust to Conserve Taiwanese White Dolphins’ Habitat ”Action by Social Marketing Theory