何懷碩李振明廖美蘭Liao, Mei-Lan2020-12-102011-5-82020-12-102011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0895600146%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115593藝術是美化生命內涵的最大力量,若藝術創作能具有社會意識內涵,表達對生命的關懷與熱愛,便能呈現社會趨向與溫度。藝術中生命關懷意識的價值便在於使人體悟人生的意義及生命之可貴,當眾人的生命與情感被關照時,藝術的價值才得以顯現。 本研究分為七大部分,第一章緒論包含研究動機與目的、內容與範圍、方法與限制及名詞釋義。第二章透過文獻分析試圖從中國與西方藝術的歷史軌跡裡尋找生命關懷意識在特定文化環境下的發展踪跡,更從理論脈絡中整理出此類創作的哲學基礎,以東西方哲學理論作為生命關懷意識的創作支點與審美依據。第三章生命關懷意識的審美心理探析,從同情與移情、集體無意識、異質同構理論與審美共性等論述,尋找生命關懷意識創作在作品與觀者心理結構互動中的聯繫點,並將以上發現與創作中的滄桑意象、悲憫情懷做呼應。第四章闡釋生命關懷意識的內涵價值與審美意義,以東西方生命關懷意識發微的創作表現為例證,並參考現代水墨人物畫家的作法,以梳理水墨技法、人物造型與生命關懷意識之關聯性。第五章與第六章是個人的創作理念分析以及「面對‧生命關照」、「浮世滄桑」系列之創作內涵的鋪陳與實踐,以自我剖析的方式將創作媒材、技法與形式表現等方面,逐一檢視與討論。 第七章結論,確認生命關懷創作是可以超越時間與地域的限制,在當代多元紛陳的文化語境中仍能喚起同情與共鳴,不因時代更迭社會變遷而動搖其審美價值。在眼花撩亂的藝術洪流中,它具有永恆存在的價值。滄桑意象的符號特徵及其特有的審美内涵,足以救贖缺乏情感的現代社會,化解現代人的疏離及隔閡,張揚生命的尊嚴與高貴。Art is the most influential power to beautify our life. If an artistic work contains the consciousness of society and manifests both the caring about life and the love for life, it will display the trends and the temperature of our society. The value to demonstrate the caring about life and the love for life in an artistic work is to help people understand the meaning and the preciousness of life. Only when the life and the affection of beings are cared, the value of an artistic work can emerge. There are seven chapters in my dissertation. Chapter one is the introduction. It includes the purposes, the scope and contents, the methodology, and the constraints of my study. The explanations of some special terms are also included. In Chapter two, it contains my research and analysis of the historic documents of the history of Chinese and Western arts and my findings about the tracks of the development of the consciousness of caring about life in artistic works in specific culture environment. I also sorted out the philosophy foundation of the creation of this kind of artistic works. Those oriental and western philosophical theories become my basis to create my works which shows the caring about life and the love for life and also become the bases of the aesthetic appreciations of my works. In the third Chapter, I explored the psychology of the aesthetic experiences got from the appreciation of the works with the consciousness of caring about life. Based on the lectures and theories about “sympathy and empathy”, “collective unconscious”, “isomorphism”, and “aesthetic commonness”etc. , I searched for the connected points in the interactions between the viewer and the works that contains the consciousness of caring about life. The appearance of“vicissitudes of life”and “emotion of sympathy”in the image of my works is to respond those findings. In Chapter four, I elaborated the inner value of the consciousness of the caring about life and its meaning in aesthetic appreciation. By using the life-caring oriented creations in oriental and western world as evidences, and also referring the approaches used in the modern ink figure painting, I sorted out the connections among the skills used in ink painting, the styles of the figure and the consciousness of caring about life. In Chapters five and six, I analyzed my own thoughts of my creations and their development and realization in two series of my creations –“Facing--Caring about Life” and “Vicissitudes of Life”. I reviewed and discussed the aspects of the media, the skills, and the formalities of presentation, of my works. Chapter seven is the conclusion. Even in such a big variety of modern culture surroundings, I confirm that the works that care about life can always inspire people’s emotion of sympathy and empathy. It goes beyond the differences of different areas and different periods of time. The aesthetic value of those works will not be shaken because of the changes of our society and the passing of time. In the artistic flood that is so varied that it confuses us sometimes, I believe the values of caring about life contained in the works can last and stand forever. The special features and aesthetic meanings of the symbol of “vicissitudes image “can redeem the current society, which is lack of affection for life, reduce the relationship distance and move away the invisible barrier among people, and praise the noble and dignity of life.浮世滄桑意象指涉生命關照水墨創作生命關懷意識Vicissitudes of LifeSignification of The ImageCaring About LifeInk Painting CreationConsciousness of Caring About Life浮世滄桑:廖美蘭水墨創作中的意象指涉與生命關照Vicissitudes of Life---The Referential Signification and the Caring about Life in the Images of Liao, Mei-Lan’s Ink Paintings