施正屏Cheng-ping Shih陳怡君Yichun Chen2019-08-282008-8-42019-08-282008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695740027%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/84962This study aims to understand how motivation influences job satisfaction in religious and nonreligious nonprofit organizations. There are two nonprofits, the assembly of Presbyterian Church in Taiwan, a religious nonprofit, and Taipei Mental Rehabilitation Association, a non-religious nonprofit, participating in this study. A questionnaire on job satisfaction and motivation was designed and distributed to employees working in these two nonprofit organizations. Dimension of job satisfaction was composed of seven aspects of job satisfaction, including pay, supervision, fringe benefits, operating conditions, coworkers, nature of work, and communication while intrinsic and extrinsic motivation made up the dimension of motivation. As a result, non-monetary motivation, inclusive of enjoyment and challenge in intrinsic motivation and outward in extrinsic motivation, contributes more to the overall facets of job satisfaction in both religious and non-religious nonprofit organizations. However, pecuniary motivation, the compensation, also has a negative effect on job satisfaction of pay and fringe benefits. In addition, only in the aspect of job satisfaction of pay and nature of work does the type of nonprofits, namely the religious or non-religious type, make a difference. The main implication of this study may be that the homogeneous characteristic among different types of nonprofits in Taiwan is very high. Besides, nonprofit organizations need to continually provide incentives for employees to keep high non-monetary motivation so as to raise job satisfaction which is one of the most important factors for organizational context that improves competitiveness and efficiency.非營利組織工作滿意度動機nonprofitjob satisfactionmotivation內外部動機對台灣非營利組織工作滿意度影響之分析The Impact of Motivation on Job Satisfaction in Taiwan’s Religious and Non-religious NPO