國立臺灣師範大學地理學系范燕秋洪致文張幸真2015-09-032015-09-032012/01-20http://grbsearch.stpi.narl.org.tw/GRB_Search/grb/show_doc.jsp?id=2376993http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/74999本計畫主要為調查研究臺灣氣象史料,著重調查、搜集國內各級學術研究機構典藏之史料與檔案,呈現臺灣氣象科技發展的各種面相,為臺灣氣象史留下重要紀錄,並提供未來臺灣氣象科技史研究之參考。 本計畫研究目的有三方面:一、搜集及整理臺灣氣象科技史料,二、將臺灣氣象科技史料歸檔為便於查詢的形式,三、開創臺灣氣象科技史研究論述,為臺灣氣象科技、事業及歷史發展留下永恆的記錄。 本計畫預期成果為:一、呈現臺灣氣象發展史中未被挖掘的面相。二、將資料彙整以便於檢索。三、初步完成數個主題型之氣象史料統整,以便日後籌劃特展之用。Focused on the history of meteorology in Taiwan, this study will investigate and acquire historical materials and records maintained by various domestic academic and research organizations. Key objectives include elucidating the many facets of meteorological technology’s historical development in Taiwan; establishing a substantive record of the island’s meteorological history; and providing a reference base for future research into meteorological technology in Taiwan. Scope of project research includes: 1) Collect and collate historical materials on Taiwan meteorological technology; 2) Organize materials in a format conducive and convenient to future search and retrieval; and 3) Foster academic / research discourse on the history of meteorological technology in Taiwan. Project work will create an enduring record of the development of meteorological technologies and related endeavors on the island. Anticipated results include: 1) Bringing to light previously little known / unknown aspects of Taiwan meteorological history; 2) Making related historical materials easy to search and review; and 3) Completing an initial systematic review of historical information in several theme areas in preparation for use in a planned special exhibit.臺灣氣象史氣象觀測臺灣氣候臺灣氣象氣象文獻History of Taiwan meteorologymeteorological observationTaiwan climateTaiwan meteorologymeteorological materials臺灣氣象科技史料研究(2/2)計畫Studies(2/2)plans for Historical Materials of Meteorological Science and Technology in Taiwan