陳昭珍駱淑萍2019-08-282014-8-202019-08-282014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060115019E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89191自國際學生能力評估計畫PISA推行以來,閱讀素養受到國際社會的重視,尤其是青年的閱讀能力得到更多關注。在PISA 2012閱讀評量中,亞洲以中華文化為主流的國家/地區之青年都有優異表現,那麼不同地區的華人子弟閱讀情況又是如何,也值得去了解。故本研究希望從跨區域的角度,對華僑青年的閱讀動機、閱讀行為、閱讀策略使用等進行探討,以了解華僑青年的閱讀投入情況。 基於上述目的,本研究採用問卷調查法,以國立臺灣師範大學僑生先修部學生為研究對象,共發放1300份問卷,回收有效問卷916份,可用率82.67%。 研究結果發現:(一)亞洲華僑青年在閱讀投入方面的共同點有:他們的內在閱讀動機較外在閱讀動機強,但為了樂趣而閱讀時間不長;閱讀材料以報紙、小說、故事為主,而線上閱讀以閱讀社群網站資訊、網路新聞為主;閱讀互動情況一般,不常使用各種閱讀策略;(二)不同國籍之學生在閱讀動機、閱讀行為上有顯著差異。緬甸學生閱讀動機最高。在閱讀行為方面,澳門學生為樂趣閱讀的時間顯著低於香港學生。香港學生無論紙本閱讀還是線上閱讀都比其他國家學生較具多樣性。緬甸、馬來西亞學生閱讀互動較積極;(三)不同性別之學生在閱讀動機、閱讀行為上有顯著差異。除了印尼、澳門,各國女生的閱讀動機顯著高於男生。閱讀材料方面,男生的漫畫閱讀頻率顯著高於女生。香港男生在「為學習特定主題而搜尋網路資訊」、「參加網路小組討論或論壇」、「閱讀網路漫畫」使用/閱讀頻率上顯著高於女生;緬甸、馬來西亞男生的網路漫畫閱讀頻率也顯著高於女生。而香港女生的閱讀互動顯著高於男生;(四)不同組別之華僑青年在非小說類書籍、報紙、漫畫書、閱讀社群網站資訊、網路新聞、網路漫畫、使用線上字典或百科全書等的閱讀頻率上有顯著差異;(五)各國學生反映的學校閱讀推廣與他們的閱讀投入有顯著關聯,但各國情況有所不同;(六)華僑青年的閱讀動機與他們的閱讀行為、閱讀策略使用有顯著相關。Since the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) was performed, reading literacy especially the youth’s reading ability has attracted attention of the international community. According to the result of PISA 2012 reading assessment, Asian Chinese students had recorded an outstanding performance, then how is the performance of Chinese students from different regions in reading? It is also worth understanding. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to explore the reading engagement of overseas Chinese youth in Asia from a cross-regional perspective. In this study, a questionnaire survey was used to achieve the above purpose. The subjects are students from Preparatory School for Overseas Chinese in National Taiwan Normal University. A “Reading Engagement Questionnaire” was distributed to all students in the preparatory school, and there were 916 valid samples, the availability percentage was 82.67%. Through the statistical results, the conclusions were summarized as follows: First, there were some convergences among the overseas Chinese youth such as their intrinsic reading motivation was stronger than their extrinsic reading motivation. However, they spent little time reading for enjoyment. Also, the results shown that newspapers and fictions were the materials the overseas Chinese youth read the most; the most frequent forms of online reading activities among the overseas Chinese youth were reading information on social networking sites such as Facebook and reading online news. These overseas Chinese youth rarely used reading strategies. Moreover, their involvement in social interactions related to reading was not as positive as expected. Second, the reading motivation and reading behavior of the overseas Chinese youth from different country were varied. Burmese Chinese students were reported as the highest on reading motivation. In the aspect of reading behavior, the time that Macau students spent on reading for enjoyment is significantly less than Hong Kongese students. The diversity of reading materials and online reading activities of Hong Kongese students were favorable. Burmese and Malaysian students were more actively involved in reading-related interactions. Third, gender made a difference in overseas Chinese youth’s reading motivation and reading behavior. Overall, female students were more motivated than the male students in reading activities except for Indonesia and Macau. Except Macau, the male students read comic books more frequently than the female students. Male students from Hong Kong searched online information to learn about a particular topic, took part in online group discussions or forums, and read online comics more frequently than the female students. Burmese and Malaysian male students read online comics more frequently than the female students. Female students from Hong Kong were significantly more active than the male students in social interactions related to reading. Fourth, there were significant differences between the four divisions of Chinese youth in the frequencies of reading both paper-based and online materials such as non-fiction books, newspapers, comic books, online news, online comic, using an online dictionary or encyclopedia as well as reading information from social networking sites. Fifth, there was a significant correlation between school reading promotion and their reading engagement however it varied between each country. Sixth, Overseas Chinese youth’s reading motivation significantly correlated with their reading behavior and the use of reading strategies.華僑青年閱讀投入閱讀動機閱讀行為閱讀策略Chinese youthreading engagementreading motivationreading behaviorreading strategies亞洲華僑青年閱讀投入度之比較研究─以國立臺灣師範大學僑生先修部學生為例