國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所陳昭珍2015-07-032015-07-032012/08-20http://grbsearch.stpi.narl.org.tw/GRB_Search/grb/show_doc.jsp?id=2586284http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/73345近年來,世界各國皆以提升國民之科學素養為追求的目標,而閱讀亦是學習的一切基礎。透過科普閱讀,以生動淺顯之方式呈現科學概念與知識,引領學生主動親近科學知識;而相關研究亦指出藉由動態之影音內容,將有效提升學生對於科普知識之學習興趣。為賡續國立臺灣師範大學圖書館近年於科普閱讀及科學教育之推廣理念及成果,同時有效建立我國學生科普閱讀習慣與風氣,並向下紮根,臺師大圖書館特規劃「科普閱讀online 種子飛揚計畫」。 本計畫為一年期之大眾科學教育活動計畫,將運用臺師大科學教育之教學資源及豐富科普閱讀推廣經驗,邀請科學家或科學教師導讀科普好書,以多媒體技術製作經典科普導讀數位內容並製成開放式課程(Open Courseware),同時延伸開發app以供大眾無償下載至手機或平板電腦觀看使用;藉由網路傳播分享,有效激發大眾親近科普讀物之興趣,同時建立專屬平台,以營造科普閱讀雲端環境。另一方面,透過科普閱讀種子教師培訓計畫,提昇教師科普閱讀相關之專業知能,有效將科普閱讀融入教學,並以深入綿密的方式將科普閱讀推廣至各級學校。希冀藉此兩項管道,有效執行科普閱讀推廣運動,讓科普閱讀的種子飛揚至各界,進而萌發科普閱讀新活力。Recently, to pursue high science literacy and to recognize that reading is foundation of learning becomes common consensus worldwide. Based on the common value, NTNU Library, with fruitful experience from the efforts of promoting popular science reading and science education during these years, plans to launch the “Pilot Teacher Project of Online Science Reading” to effectively establish the habits of science reading and make them rooted in Taiwan. This project is aimed to motivate students’ interest in science by presenting the knowledge in a way that it is easy to understand and by displaying it dynamically by multimedia presentation. This is a one-year project. On one side, with our experience of promoting popular science reading and the rich teaching resource in NTNU, we will invite scientists and science teachers to guide reading, transform classical popular science books into the digital content of Open Courseware, build a platform and apps for people to download the digital content for free with an objective of creating a cloud computing environment for popular science reading. On the other hand, we will cultivate pilot teachers of popular science reading by increasing their skills pertinent to popular science reading in order to well integrate popular science reading into teaching, with an objective of promoting popular science reading to each school in a dense network. Hopefully through the two means, this project will spread the seeds of popular science reading successfully and to provide new energy for popular science reading.科普閱讀popular science reading科普活動Pilot Teacher Project of Online Science Reading科普閱讀online種子飛揚計畫