胡益進吳文琪Hu, Yih-JinWu, Wen-Chi鍾瑞惠Chung, Jui-Hei2023-12-082026-08-312023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/4e6de0788ef2d55f571a09c38cb38785/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119184研究目的:本研究主要是探討影響清潔人員執行環境清潔行為與其本身的知識、態度、職業疲勞程度的關係。研究方法:採取橫斷式研究,參考國內外文獻,根據研究目的及研究架構彙整出自填式問卷,其中包括清潔知識、清潔態度及清潔行為等問項。問卷初稿邀請專家學者進行內容效度評估後,進行預試,並根據預試結果進行信度分析,根據信度分析結果刪除不適合的題目,且修正語句及修改版面後,編製成正式問卷作為研究工具。本研究之職業疲勞程度問卷乃使用臺灣大學鄭雅文老師等人參考丹麥學者研發之「哥本哈根疲勞量表Copenhagen Burnout Inventory CBI)中文量表」。研究對象為臺北市某醫學中心及地區醫院委外清潔公司派遣至醫院專責之清潔人員,共取得108份有效問卷。研究結果:研究對象整體清潔知識答對率達93.8%,清潔態度趨近於正向態度,執行清潔行為的頻率偏高。就雙變項分析結果而言,清潔知識與清潔行為具顯著正相關(r= 0.35 ,P< 0.001),即對清潔知識了解越多執行清潔行為的意願越高。清潔態度與清潔行為具顯著正相關(r= 0.39,P< 0.001),即清潔態度越正向其清潔行為表現越好。有他院服務經歷者在職業疲勞程度之個人疲勞(t= 2.26,P< 0.001)及工作疲勞(t=2.76 ,P <0.05)的程度大於沒有任職過其他醫院經歷者。不了解醫院與清潔相關之感染管制作業規範者的個人疲勞(t= 6.85,P< 0.05)大於了解醫院與清潔相關之感染管制作業規範者。 建議:未來在修定相關作業規範與流程能更明確且精簡,應規劃完整培訓計畫,提供實務操作訓練與考核認證,以養成清潔人員的正確知識。運用現場作業稽核的方式,協助清潔人員養成正確操作步驟。Objectives: The study aims to investigate the associations between cleaning staff's performance of environmental cleaning behaviors and their knowledge, attitude, and job burnout. Methods: This study utilized a cross-sectional design and drew on existing literature to develop a self-administered questionnaire that aligned with the research objectives and structure. The initial version of the questionnaire encompassed sections on cleaning knowledge, cleaning attitude, and cleaning behavior. To ensure the questionnaire's content validity, experts and scholars were invited toconduct evaluations. A pilot survey was conducted to assess its reliability. After eliminating inappropriate items based on the reliability analysis results, some sentences were further refined. The layout was also adjusted to create a formal questionnaire as the research tool. To assess job burnout among cleaning staff, the study employed the"Chinese version of the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI)." The participants were cleaning staff dispatched by a cleaning company to work at a medical center and a regional hospital in Taipei City. A total of 108 valid questionnaires were collected for analysis. Results: The study found that the overall correct rate of cleaning knowledge was 93.8%, indicating a high level of knowledge among the cleaning staff. The cleaning attitude tended to be positive, suggesting a favorable attitude towardstheir cleaning responsibilities. Additionally, the frequency of cleaning behavior tended to be consistently high, indicating a strong commitment to performing cleaning tasks regularly. Bivariate analysis revealed significant positive correlations between cleaning knowledge and cleaning behavior (r=0.35, P<0.001), indicating that individuals with more knowledge were more inclined to implement proper cleaning practices. Similarly, a positive association was observed between cleaning attitude and cleaning behavior (r=0.39, P<0.001), suggesting that a more positive attitude towards cleaning translated into better cleaning behavior. Furthermore, individuals who had previous experience working in other hospitals exhibited higher levels of personal burnout (t=2.26, P<0.001) and work-related burnout (t=2.76, P<0.05) compared to those who had not worked in other hospitals. Moreover, cleaning staff who were unaware of the hospital-cleaning-related infection control practices reported higher levels of personal burnout (t=6.85, P<0.05) than those who were knowledgeable about these practices. Suggestion: When revising relevant operational regulations and procedures, it is essential to make them clearer and more concise. It is recommended to develop a comprehensive training program that provides practical hands-on training and assessment for certification to instill correct knowledge among cleaning staff. Implementing on-site operational audits can aid cleaning personnel in acquiring the proper operating procedures.環境清潔行為感染管制新冠肺炎職業疲勞程度Environmental Cleaning Behaviorsinfection controlCOVID-19job burnout清潔人員執行環境清潔行為影響因素Related factors of Cleaning Staff’s Environmental Cleaning Behaviorsetd