傅斌暉Pin-Hui Fu2014-10-272014-10-272014-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/2625本研究以中山女中高瞻計畫教師團隊為例,透過訪談、檔案和文件分析,探討高中藝術與科學教師跨領域協同教學之成效。研究發現藝術教師跨領域協同成效主要呈現在「課程」、「學生」和「教師」三方面,課程方面其有「多元教法與多元評量」 、「小組合作學習」、「適性化教學」三種活化效能;學生方面達到「增進女學生科學實作的興趣」、「創新設計與覺察能力的進步」、「創意思考能力與態度的提升」、「擴展團隊合作與多元思考能力」四個成效;教師方面呈現「強化藝術教師的角色與價值」、「教學專業與團隊合作能力的成長」、「共享與付出的意識和行動」等教師改變效能。With the high-scope program teacher group in Zhongshan Girls High school as an example, this present study investigates the effects of art and science teachers' inter-disciplinary team teaching. It conducts a series of interviews, file tracking, and document analysis. The research results are mainly observed in the three aspects. The effects on curriculum show themselves in three functions: "multiple pedagogies and alternative assessment," "group cooperative learning" and " adaptive teaching". For students, the effects contribute to four aspects: " increasing high school girls' interests in science experiments," "improving the potency of creative design and observing," "enhancing the capacity and attitude of creative thinking" and "expanding the capacity of teamwork and diversified thinking". The project also has influences on teacher change, which includes "accentuation of art teachers' role and value," "growth of professional teaching competence and teamwork capacity," "awareness and action of sharing and devoting".藝術教師協同教學統整課程art teacherteam teachingintegrated curriculum高中藝術教師跨領域協同教學成效之個案研究—以中山女中高瞻計畫(2007 ~ 2010) 為例High School Art Teachers' Interdisciplinary Team Teaching-A Case Study of High Scope Program(2007~2010)in Zhongshan Girls High School