王千睿Wang, Chien-Jui于千涵Yu, Chien-Han2024-12-172029-01-302024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/836c267c67b1b48f1174e07fb50dc1b3/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/123486人們常因為忙碌的生活步調、個人口味偏好、缺乏飲食相關知識等原因忽略均衡飲食與健康飲食的重要性,導致飲食不均衡、影響健康。衛福部國健署 106至109 年之國民營養健康狀況變遷調查顯示國人六大類食物的攝取份數嚴重偏離國民飲食指南建議,而國人的肥胖與腰圍過大盛行率、糖尿病盛行率、血脂肪異常、代謝症候群盛行率皆有逐年增加的趨勢。自新冠疫情爆發,人們的消費行為、生活型態、工作與學習模式皆出現了巨大轉變。人們更加頻繁地使用網路與線上平台溝通、社交、購物、獲得資訊,而使用線上學習的情況也已經日趨普遍。綜合上述,本研究將產出一份以台灣外食族為目標族群的「培養與學習健康飲食 App 介面設計創作研究」,以手機 App 為媒介,改善外食族的飲食習慣與飲食選擇能力。研究方法將透過文獻回顧、案例分析、專家訪談與使用者訪談,歸納出 App 的呈現內容、介面功能與學習目標。文獻回顧將針對第貳章的「飲食教育、飲食與健康」、「外食」、「行動學習」、「使用者經驗、使用者介面」四個小節的文獻進行重新理解並歸納出結論;案例分析即挑選十個健康飲食、飲食管理相關的應用程式,針對其功能架構、介面設計等要素進行觀察分析,擷取其優點、並探討其優勢與不足;專家訪談即選擇六位專家進行半結構式訪談,分別為兩位飲食教育、健康飲食專家,兩位使用者經驗專家,兩位使用者介面設計專家,為本研究提供更為專業的建議;使用者訪談則針對六位外食族進行半結構式訪談,了解其飲食習慣、飲食習慣形成之原因,挖掘其用餐前、中、後的流程以及其面對的困難點與需求,作為本研究之參考方向。經以上研究,產出一份以台灣外食族為目標族群的培養與學習健康飲食的 App。透過更加客製化與個人化的使用模式、方便快速的飲食紀錄方法,互動性更高的介面功能,改善台灣外食族的飲食習慣、加強均衡飲食概念與飲食選擇能力,並且作為日後相關題材平台與業者之參考設計方向。People often forget the importance of maintaining a balanced and healthy diet due to busy life pace, personal preferences, lack of diet-related knowledge, etc., which causes many negative impacts on their health. The national nutrition and health survey from 2017 to 2020 conducted by the MOHW shows that the eating habits of people in Taiwan seriously deviates from the national dietary guidelines. The prevalence of waist circumference, diabetes, dyslipidemia and metabolic syndrome are increasing yearly.Since the outbreak of covid-19, people's consumption behavior, lifestyle, work and study patterns have undergone tremendous changes. People use the Internet and online platforms more frequently to communicate, socialize, shop, obtain information, and online learning. In summary, this study will select Taiwan's FAFH(food away from home)group as the target group and accomplish an app which helps them "cultivate and learn healthy eating", using mobile apps as ideas to improve their eating habits and ability of making meal choices. Through literature review, case analysis, expert and user interviews, the content information, interface functions and learning objectives of the App are summarized. The literature review will summarize the four literature subsections of"Food Education, Diet and Health", "Food Away From Home", "M-Learning", "User Experience, User Interface" in Chapter 2; case analysis contains ten apps related to healthy eating and diet management, observing and analyzing their functional structure, UI design and other elements, extract their advantages and also discuss their disadvantages; expert interview selects six experts for semi-structured interviews, including two healthy diet experts, two UX design experts and two UI design experts, toprovide more professional suggestions; user interviews selects six people part of the FAFH group for semi-structured interviews to understand their eating status and the causes, explore their processes during their eating journey, as well as the difficulties and needs they faced, as the reference direction of this study.After the above research, finally produce an app for cultivating and learning about healthy eating targeted at Taiwan’s FAFH group, through customized and personalized usage modes, more convenient food recording methods, and more interactive interface functions, it is produced to improve the eating habits of diners, strengthen the concept of a balanced diet and the ability of making meal choices, and serve as a reference for related platforms and industries in the future.外食均衡飲食健康飲食使用者介面使用者經驗FAFH(food away from home)balanced diethealthy eatingUser InterfaceUser Experience培養與學習健康飲食之手機App介面設計創作研究——以外食族使用者為例Research on the Design of a Mobile App User Interface for Cultivating and Learning Healthy Eating Habits–A Case Study of the FAFH Group學術論文