國立臺灣師範大學人類發展與家庭學系Chen T-Y, Lyu L-C.2014-12-022014-12-022012-04-011023-2141http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/41216兒童期的生長發育,為奠基未來生長與健康發展的重要時機,因此此時期用以評估生長發展及營養狀況的體位標準,包括生長曲線百分位、身體質量指數及z分數等方式,更是一不可忽視的課題所在。本文整理國際組織及各國公共衛生單位針對學齡前兒童生長體位標準之現況進行探討撰述,主要議題為生長曲線(growth chart)之比較分析,此部分資料來源為台灣、美國、英國、日本、中國及世界衛生組織等相關文獻;續而則針對身體質量指數(body mass index, BMI)及z分數(z score)使用進行相關陳述。在臨床及公共衛生領域中,評估兒童生長狀況的方法不可勝數,因此於繁多的評估指標中選用正確的估量工具,將是個複雜且益顯重要的議題。國內公共衛生、小兒科及營養學界對於兒童生長體位標準之評估文獻尚屬缺乏,期盼未來有更多相關研究投入於評估指標的信效度精進與推廣,藉此以使兒童的生長歷程整體評估更斟全面完善。Growth and development in childhood are pivotal for future health and well-being. Therefore, anthropometric assessments using growth standards including growth charts by percentiles, BMI and z-scores are important for the evaluation of nutritional status. This article reviewed the current international growth standards for preschool children as published by public health agencies in Taiwan, the Unitd States, the United Kingdom, Japan, China and the World Health Organization. We then compared and discussed the applications of the growth chart, the BMI and the z-score for assessing growth and nutritional status during childhood. Since there are various methods for assessing children's growth status, the choice of assessment tools is a complex issue. In the fields of public health, pediatrics, and nutrition in Taiwan, there has been very limited study of growth standards. We hope that this research will increase awareness about the issue and make nutritional assessments of children much more comprehensive.兒童營養評估生長曲線身體質量指數z分數childrennutrition assessmentgrowth chartBMIz-score國際間學齡前兒童生長體位標準之現況分析A current review of the international growth standards for children