林昱廷陳宛吟2019-09-052016-2-142019-09-052012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697910248%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107110民歌在民間廣為流傳,與人民的社會生活息息相關,因此民歌也是許多作曲家的創作素材來源。作曲家楊寶智受二胡演奏家閔惠芬之邀,以四川民歌中的《川江號子》為音樂素材創作《川江》二胡協奏曲,此樂曲中作曲者運用了簡單的號子作為音樂素材來創作並融入他在四川生活的數十年所遭遇的心情,引起筆者研究此作品的動機,也希望藉由本詮釋報告提供更多演奏者作為演奏及研究上的參考。 本文透過文獻蒐集發現,以《川江號子》進行創作的作品為研究對象的資料並不多,因此本研究以訪談調查作為主要的研究方法,透過訪談作曲家以獲得第一手資料,再進行樂曲分析,對樂曲中的旋律、曲式、節奏等方面有更深入的理解再進行演奏上的詮釋。 研究後了解,在樂曲架構方面,作曲家運用中國傳統的民歌作為音樂素材,將其旋律特性融入西方作曲如賦格、變奏等手法來呈現;演奏詮釋方面,針對樂曲中風格廻異的各個樂章,與之相對應的速度、風格及音樂表情的掌握等,必須先了解並該民歌的特性,接著演奏者透過對樂譜、創作者以及樂曲所蘊含的意義及情感,能有更多的體悟,最終融入演奏詮釋。Folk songs reflect people‟s life and are usually used by composers as materials. Composer Bao-zhi Yang, commissioned by Hui-Fen Min, took the working song on Chuanjiang in Sichuan folk songs as materials to finish an erhu concerto the Chuanjiang. Not only did Yang appy the simple working songs as essences, but he poured all his experiences and feeling of his Sichuan life in the last decades into the piece. That further kindled the author to do deeper investigation to provide much more information for the future performers and researchers. According to the documentary analysis, there were few documents taking working song on Chuanjiang as the subject; therefore the research took interviewing as the main research method to get the first-hand data from the composer, and next after musical analysis, it discussed interpretation part at last. The research result can be clarified from two aspects. On the one hand, as for the musical form, the composer has combined Chinese folk song with the Western composing techniques like fuga and variation. On the other hand, before interpreting, performers should grasp the traits of the applied folk song. Based on the previous study of the different tempos, styles and musical expression in separate movements, performers then mingle their rational with sentimental understanding through hints from the score, the composer and the piece itself, and finally do the interpretation.二胡楊寶智閔惠芬民歌川江號子川江ErhuBao-zhi YangHui-Fen Minfolk songworking song on ChuanjiangChuanjiang楊寶智二胡協奏曲《川江》之分析與詮釋