許和捷Hsu, Ho-Chieh張雅婷Chang, Ya-Ting2020-12-102012-8-152020-12-102012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696600456%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115405本創作研究以職場霸凌為主題進行一系列的視覺媒體創作,希望藉由具有高度互動性、趣味性、及宣導性質的視覺表現語彙,將現代職場霸凌的現象呈現出來,並且運用視覺媒體設計的多元特色,串連起社會議題中不同面向的討論,讓觀者由淺至深的瞭解議題,並引起他們的關注,使他們願意進一步討論這類型的社會議題。 本創作研究以對公共議題應有的關注,再佐以職場問題相關的訊息彙整,同時探討社會與藝術設計的關聯、設計創作實驗、及視覺媒體表現之定義與特性,透過不同類型的視覺媒體創作模式展開一種新的詮釋及視覺表現風格。本創作研究中探討主要有三大議題:(一)由文獻探討認識職場中普遍常見的權力問題、職場霸凌現象發生的原因、及其帶給人或社會的影響,並彙整出職場霸凌的主要問題。同時利用文獻資料來瞭解社會與藝術設計間的相互影響,以及當代設計創作實驗所反映出的社會現狀,藉此驗證本創作研究之設計實驗創作動機和趨勢。在設計實驗的範疇中,針對視覺媒體創作類別進行認識與表現形式之分析,以作為本創作研究未來創作形式之參考。(二)以社會議題為主題之視覺媒體創作作為研究案例,以其視覺媒體類別和主題類別分類,分別分析其表現手法、創意發想、圖像元素、和文字使用,藉此探究案例主題與視覺表現手法的關係和各類型視覺媒體之異同。(三)配合本研究創作主題,將案例進行綜合性分析論述,以作為媒材表現應用之策略參考。最後,依照探討社會議題的內容深度,選擇三種不同的視覺媒體表現形式來呈現,三種表現形式會因為其性質和媒材特性而產生不同程度的探討作用:以插畫圖像創作來描述職場現象,以桌上遊戲的提問和關卡帶動對職場議題的討論,再以辦公室產品設計融入職場環境,產生提示、安慰和療癒的效果。 本創作研究突破過去探討社會議題的單一視覺表現手法,以多元的媒材和層次面向來引導觀者認識職場霸凌,藉此教育觀者也帶領參與者討論社會議題中的現象和自身的感受,同時也讓他們思考解決的方法。The study focused on the visual media creation of workplace bullying issue. The creation displayed the problems in the workplace by using highly interactive, interesting, and promotion visual design skills. Through the me-thod of visual media design, it connects different sides of views and clarify the concept from shallow to deep, also raise the awareness of audiences. Based on the proper concerns about the public issues and the feature of workplace bullying, this study aimed to analysis the connection between society, art, and design, to discuss the definition and characteristics of visual media design. This study mainly focused on the discussions of three topics: (1) Through the literature review, this study comprehended some theories of workplace problem such as the causes, impacts and corresponding meas-ures and then compiled the main problems of workplace bullying. Also, ana-lyzed the relationship between society, art and design, verified the develop-ment of modern design experiment, and analyzed the expression of visual media design. (2) Then collected the visual media design cases, which re-lated to social issue, analyzed concept, visual elements, and slogans. This study further explored the similarity and difference between the social issues and the visual expression; also proved the characteristics of visual media can be full of interactive, interesting and educational. (3) According to the syn-thetic analysis and the wide and depth of discussion, this study attempted to apply three methods in workplace bullying issue, which are illustration crea-tion, table game, and the office product. First, using seven illustration crea-tions to describe the phenomena of work place. Second, utilizing the quizzes and missions of the table game to lead the discussion and interaction. Third, making the positive office product to fit in working environment, to inform, to comfort, and to cure the people who are suffered from workplace problem. This study changed from the single visual technique of expression to multiple, using different kind of media and martial to carry out the thinking and explore opinions that would otherwise be overlooked and unmentioned.職場霸凌視覺媒體設計插畫圖像桌上遊戲療癒商品Workplace bullyingVisual media designIllustrationTable game designInspirational product design應用視覺媒體設計於職場霸凌之創作研究Creative Research on the Application of Visual Media Design on WorkplaceBullying