卯靜儒Mao Chin-ju陳桂華Chen Kuei-hua2019-08-282012-10-242019-08-282012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697000287%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90190本研究旨在探討國民中學課程運作中的「借課」問題。研究者以自身初任教師時的借課經驗出發,運用課程社會學的理論視角,質性研究厚實描述的特色,探究個案大東國中的借課現況與背後成因。在本研究中,研究者將借課視為學校日常生活中,某種習焉不察但隨處可見,而且背後蘊含著某種意義的文化,希望藉由對大東國中借課文化的探索,嘗試揭露借課文化的問題,陳顯借課文化的潛在教育意涵及重點方向。 由資料分析發現,現今的課程時數、課程安排與師資結構,並不符合大東國中教學與課程正常運作的需求,借課文化被學校視為某種解決課程運作難處的彈性作法,因而被教師們認為有存在的必要。然研究結果顯示,借課文化反應出升學主義下學科結構的失衡,它以導師作為橋樑而運作,且成為學校不正常中的習以為常。最後,本研究綜合研究發現與結論,提出相關反思以提供教育當局、學校與教師們參考之。The purpose of this research is to inquire the issues and current conditions of borrow-and-lend behaviors of curriculum of junior high school teachers. Not just taking this issue as an abnormal phenomenon, the researcher analyzed this issue with the sociology of curriculum theories, and viewed it as a kind of culture containing some important meanings in school’s everyday life. With the way of quantitative analysis and case study method, the researcher interviewed 16 teachers and two students in Dadong junior high school, hoping to uncover the problems of the issue and to find out the true educational meanings behind. In the research, we can find that the recent reform of curriculum doesn’t really provide this school with enough resources, so the school faces some problems, such as not having enough teachers in some non-academic subjects, or not having enough time for academic subjects’ teachers to teach. Therefore, although borrow-and-lend culture of curriculum is viewed improper, it somehow provides as some flexibility to make curriculum operating smoothly. As a result, teachers think it’s necessary to exist. However, according to the analysis and discussion, three conclusions are drawn. First, the borrow-and-lend culture of curriculum shows that Taiwan’s educational system tends to training students to pass the exam and emphasizes academic subject too much. Second, homeroom teachers play an important role like a bridge in the culture. Third, although it is viewed improper and abnormal, this culture is taken for granted in junior high school. Finally, in order to solve this problem, some reflections are provided as a reference for the authority, schools, and teachers.借課課程社會學國中教師學術學科borrow-and-lend of curriculumsociology of curriculumjunior high school teachersacademic school subjects不正常中的正常?國中教師借課文化之個案研究Research on the Borrow-and- lend Issue of Curriculum of Junior High School Teachers