蔡居澤Tsai, Ju-Tse何思婷HE, SZU-TING2022-06-082022-07-012022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/6da140d7283a4dcdbe7c02d4cf4446bf/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118505本研究旨在探究十二年國教素養導向並聚焦於家政科單元課程與評量設計,本單元教案以臺師大心測中心「國中學生學習成就素養導向標準本位評量」設計評量評分指引、詳列學習表現等級描述據此發展對應之評量工具。採用行動研究法,針對新北市某國中八年級學生進行八堂課程,以「如何在不同情境下使用合宜且對環境友善清潔衣物的方法」為核心問題,對應學習重點後設定學習目標與評量評分指引導引教學活動;運用單元設計之評量工具與評量評分指引核定學生的學習表現,藉以調整修正教案與評量設計,以促進學生學習遷移展現高層次的素養能力。研究包含:一、探究依據綜合活動領域綱要設計適切的素養導向家政科單元課程。二、依據「國中學生學習成就素養導向標準本位評量」之內涵,探究如何據以發展符合本單元課程之評分指引與評量工具。三、經由單元課程實施後,觀察並探究學生學習表現情形並依此調整課程與評量設計。根據研究結果,提出以下結論:一、使用三步驟、六流程設計素養導向課程並運用體驗式活動引發問題意識進行核心問題探究、不論在形式或內容都需符合素養精神。二、透過經驗學習圈的邏輯思考可協助教師規劃脈絡分明的評量評分指引,結合重理解課程的六個理解層次教學提問並運用多元評量工具蒐集學習證據。三、教師透過共同備課或行動研究,提升教學素養。最後,提供綜合活動領域夥伴在素養導向課程與評量設計與實施過程及未來研究者相關建議。This study focused on the curriculum of home economics and its evaluation design under the competence-aimed policy of 12-Year Basic Education Curricula. I designed the lectures with understanding by design as well as experiential learning; I built the scoring guide rubrics and listed performance level descriptors for each corresponding tools of assessment, based on the Standard-based Assessment of Student Achievement for Junior High School Students (SBASA) from Research Center for Psychological and Education Testing of National Taiwan Normal University.Using the method of action research, I held eight lessons lecture in eighth grade of a junior high school in New Taipei City. I linked the lecture with the issue of “how to clean our clothes using appropriate and eco-friendly ways under different circumstances” and set the scoring guide rubrics as well as learning objects; I evaluated students’ performance by facilitating scoring guide rubrics and tools for assessment of each lesson. By adjusting course materials and design of scoring rubrics, the course stimulated the transfer of learning of students, who present high-level of competency.This study contains following aspects. 1.I discussed how to design the home economics lecture properly based on the outline of integrative activities area and, 2. how to develop the rubrics and tools of assessment that fits the lecture best under the insight of SBASA?3. I observed and discussed students’ performance after the implementation of the lecture.Based on the results, I made three following conclusions: Firstly, both structure and content of the lecture must fulfill the competency. Secondly, after using various methods and tools of assessment, I recommend using the self-assessment to enhance students’ metacognition of what they learn in class. Thirdly, collaborative lesson preparation and action research promote teacher’s proficiency in teaching. Finally, I provide some relative suggestions regarding lecture design and implementation in competence-aimed policy for teachers and researchers who devote themselves in integrative activities area.十二年國教素養導向標準本位評量綜合活動領域家政科12-Year Basic Education Curriculacompetence-aimed policystandard-based assessmentIntegrative Activities Areahome economics十二年國教素養導向課程設計與評量之研究—以新北市某國中八年級家政課程單元為例The Study of Curriculum Design and Evaluation of The Competency based in 12-Year Basic Education Curricula: An Example of Eighth Grade Home Economics Course of A Junior High School in New Taipei City學術論文