王振德許怡婷Hsu Yi-ting2019-08-282006-6-302019-08-282005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G00T1091107%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91356本研究旨在了解目前北中南三區一般智能優異班教師教學效能及工作士氣的現況,並探究資優班教師在不同個人背景變項下其教學效能和工作士氣的差異情形,最後分析資優班教師教學效能和工作士氣的相關情形。 本研究以北中南三區任教於一般智能優異班教師312名為研究對象,實際有效樣本數為224名(77%),針對教學效能和工作士氣進行問卷調查,將所得資料以因素分析、平均數和標準差、t考驗、單因子變異數分析及皮爾森積差相關等統計方法進行處理,研究的結果主要發現如下: 一、 資優班教師之整體教學效能在六個層面上的效能表現屬中等以上的程度,由高而低依次是「班級氣氛」、「師生關係」、「教學評量」、「教學策略」、「教學計畫與內容」、「溝通協調」。 二、 資優班教師之整體工作士氣在四個層面上的表現屬中等以上的程度,由高而低依次是「工作投入」、「需求滿足」、「組織認同」、「團隊精神」。 三、 資優班教師的教學效能和工作士氣會因服務階段、專業訓練及資優班教學年資等因素的不同而有差異;在性別變項中,則未達顯著差異。 四、 國小資優班教師之教學效能及工作士氣皆高於國中資優班教師;接受過特教專業訓練之教師其教學效能和工作士氣皆高於尚未接受特教專業訓練之資優班教師;資優班教學年資越長的教師教學效能和工作士氣相對比較高。 五、 資優班教師教學效能與工作士氣普遍呈現中度正相關。The purpose of this study is to understand the current situation of teaching effectiveness and the morale of teachers of gifted classes. Those teachers are distributed over the north, the middle, and the south of Taiwan. And examine the differences between teaching effectiveness and the morale under variables of individual background. In the end, analyze the correlation between teaching effectiveness and the morale. 312 teachers have been inquired to complete the questionnaire of teaching effectiveness and the morale. Some statistical methods were used to analyze the empirical data, which include factor analysis, mean, standard deviation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson’s product-moment correlation Scheff′e method multiple stepwise regression analysis. The major findings were stated as below: 1. Teachers of gifted classes tend to have high degrees of entire teaching effectiveness. These feelings lying on the six dimensions used in the questionnaire, from top degree down, are:”the atmosphere of the classes “, “ harmonious relationship “, “Evaluation”, “teaching skill “, “plan and context” and “communication and co-ordination “. 2. Teachers of gifted classes tend to have high degrees of entire morale. These feelings lying on the four dimensions used in the questionnaire, from top degree down, are:”the atmosphere of the classes “, “Evaluation”, “plan and context” and “communication-coordination “. 3. Teaching effectiveness and the morale apparently in variables regarding professional background, tenure of teaching in gifted classes, jobs. No significant differences found among factors as gender. 4. The teaching effectiveness of teachers of gifted classes has a significantly high degree of relationship with the morale. The teaching effectiveness is the obvious factor to affect the morale.資優班教師教學效能工作士氣Teachers of Gifted Classesteaching effectivenessmorale資優班教師教學效能與工作士氣關係之研究A Study of the Relation between Teaching Effectiveness and the Morale of Teachers of Gifted Classes