國立臺灣師範大學健康促進與衛生教育學系莊博閔曾治乾黃禎貞葉國樑2014-12-022014-12-022011-06-011561-8137http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/39826本研究之目的在於瞭解並探討目前台北縣國中生之社會人口學變項、綠色消費知識、綠色消費態度、綠色消費行為及環境敏感度的情形與關係。本研究採用問卷調查法,以自編之「國中生綠色消費問卷」作為研究工具。本研究之母群體為台北縣某國民中學學生,以叢集抽樣的方式進行調查,發出613份問卷,回收有效問卷594份。歸納本研究結果,主要研究發現如下: 一、研究對象綠色消費知識表現九年級優於七、八年級;綠色消費態度與行為表現皆七年級優於八、九年級;環境敏感度表現七年級優於八年級;男生在綠色消費知識及綠色態度表現上皆優於女生;成績較優者綠色消費知識、態度及行為與環境敏感度的表現上顯著高於成績較差者;家庭成員環保政策遵行程度者在綠色消費知識、態度及行為與環境敏感度的表現上顯著高於遵行程度低者;環保活動參與經驗有參加過者在綠色消費態度及行為與環境敏感度的表現上顯著高於從未參加過者。 二、研究對象之綠色消費態度、環境敏感度、家庭成員遵行環保政策程度等變項,可解釋綠色消費行為的變異量達55.9%,其中綠色消費態度最能有效預測綠色消費行為。 最後根據研究結果加以討論,並提供具體建議以作為相關單位及未來研究者之 參考。The purposes of this study were to realize the relationships between demographic variables and green consumption knowledge, attitude, behavior, and environmental sensibility of junior high school students in Taiwan. By using stratified random sampling survey, 613 participants selected from a junior high school in Taipei country were surveyed, 594 valid samples were collected. A self-administered questionnaire, green consumption questionnaire for junior high school students, was used in this study. The main findings were summarized as follows: 1. Green consumption knowledge, attitude, behavior, and environmental sensibility were significantly correlated with grades. The 9th-grader performed better than the 7th-grader and 8th-grader on green consumption knowledge. However, the 7th-grader had better green consumption attitude and behavior than the 8th-grader and 9th-grader. In terms of environmental sensibility, the 7th-grader was superior to the 8th-grader. And in terms of green consumption knowledge and attitude, female students were worse than male. Students with better class grade showed better performance in green consumption knowledge, attitude, behavior, and environmental sensibility. Furthermore, students with family members better obeying environmental policy had better performance in green consumption knowledge, attitude, behavior, and environmental sensibility. Students who had environmental activity expertences showed significantly better green consumption attitude, behavior, and environmental sensibility than those without any experiences. 2. The participant’s green consumption attitude, environmental sensibilities, and the family member obeying environmental protection policy could explain 55.9% variation of green consumption behavior. Among those variables, green consumption attitude can best predict green consumption behavior. From the findings of this study suggestions were proposed, to the environmental education administration for policy making and further researches.國中生綠色消費環境敏感度Junior high school studentsGreen consumptionEnvironmental sensibility北縣某國中學生綠色消費與環境敏感度之調查研究