陳學志廖燕玉Liao, Yen-Yu2019-08-282023-01-312019-08-282018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0004A02126%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88786本研究旨在以經驗取樣方法收集中學生日常創造力活動紀錄,並分析中學生日常創造力之型態。研究者抽取臺灣地區一所國中及一所高中共80人為樣本。本研究之研究工具為:研究者自編之「中學生創意日誌」、「創意自我效能量表」(洪素蘋、林珊如,2004)、「新編創造力思考測驗」(吳靜吉等人,1998)及「威廉斯創造性傾向量表」(林幸台、王木榮修訂,1994)。以「中學生創意日誌」收集學生兩週內每日的創意表現行為。接著本研究以「內容分析」方法分析中學生每日創意活動紀錄,並歸類出創意表現之類別和計算頻率,並據以分析中學生日常創造力。 結果發現:中學生日常創造表現可區分為生活體驗、人際互動、知識學習、想像思考、文學、藝術等六類。其中,藝術類出現頻率最高,為34.63%,人際互動次高,為19.61%,其他依序為生活體驗14.93%,知識學習14.83%,文學8.88%,想像思考最少,為7.12%。其次,中學生創意活動的類別,會因學生教育階段而有顯著差異,國中生在「知識學習」、「藝術」方面的創意活動及整體的創意活動數量和分數均多於高中生;此外不同性別的學生也有顯著差異,女生在「藝術」方面的創意活動及整體的創意活動數量和分數均多於男生。再者,中學生日常創造力的整體表現與創意自我效能量表中的創意成品信念、創意自我效能達顯著關聯;與新編創造力思考測驗則有低度或中度正相關,其中擴散性思考之圖形流暢力、圖形變通力、圖形獨創力均達顯著水準;而與威廉斯創造性傾向量表中的想像力、挑戰性達顯著關聯。 本研究是國內首度使用經驗取樣法來探討日常創造力表現的論文,證實經驗取樣法可以用來測量學生的日常創造力,期盼未來能對創造力的評量與發展有所貢獻。研究者最終依據研究結果提出建議,供實務工作及後續研究之參考。The purpose of this study is to collect the activities records of everday creativity by using Exerience-Sampling Method and analyze the types of everyday creativity of high school students. 80 students sampled from 1 junior high school and 1 senior high school in Taiwan. The study tools were “Creative Logs for Junior and Senior High School Students” which is edited by the researcher, the “Creative Self-efficacy Scale”, “New Creative Thinking Test” and “Williams Creativity Disposition Scale”. Self-edited tool “Creative Logs for Junior and Senior High School Students” was applied to collect high school students’ daily creative behavior within two weeks. Then, content analysis was used to analyze high school students' activities record of everyday creativity and classify the types of creative performance and the frequency of calculation. According to these, researcher analyzed the everyday creativity of high school students. The results show that everyday creative performance of high school students can be classified into 6 types which includes experience of life, interaction of people, learning of knowledge, thinking of imagination, literature and art. In these, art has the highest frequency which is 34.63%. Interaction of people is the second which is 19.61%, and the others in sequence are experience of life 14.93%, learning of knowledge 14.83%, literature8.88%, and thinking of imagination has the least frequency 7.12%. Second, the types of high school students' creative activities have a significant difference due to their learning stages. Junior high school students have more creative activities, the quantities of whole creative activities and higher scores than senior high school students do in "learning of knowledge" and "art". Besides, girls have more creative activities, the quantities of whole creative activities and higher scores than boys do in “art”. Then, In the whole performance of High school students' everyday creativity has a significant relationship with creative product belief and creativity self-efficacy of "Creative self-efficacy scale". But they have low or middle positive correlation with "New Creative Thinking Test". Figure fluency, figure flexibility and figure originality of divergent thinking all reach significant level. They also have a significant relationship with imagination and challenge of “Williams Creativity Disposition Scale”. This study is the first essay which uses Experience-Sampling Method to investigate everyday creative performance in Taiwan, it also purifies that students’ everyday creativity can be measured by Experience-Sampling Method. We hope it would be a contribution to assessment and development of creativity. Finally, the study provides some suggestions for teaching guidance and future study.日常創造力經驗取樣內容分析everyday creativityExperience-Sampling Methodcontent analysis中學生日常創造力表現之經驗取樣分析研究The Study of Everyday Creative Performance of High School Students: Using Experience-Sampling Method