吳正己Wu, Cheng-Chih莊惠淇Chuang, Hui-Chi2019-08-292017-07-292019-08-292015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060008008E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92707電腦科學教育學者認為運算思維(computational thinking)是每個人都應具備的基本能力,電腦課程應能培養學生此方面之能力。本研究透過大慧調查法逐步取得學者專家的共識,界定中小學各學習年段學生應具備之運算思維能力。研究首先由文獻探討歸納運算思維之內涵,並據以發展大慧調查問卷初稿;接著針對13位專家小組進行的三次問卷及一次座談會議,逐步舉得學生應具備能力之共識。專家小組成員包含大專資訊科系教授、中小學資訊科技教師、及資訊相關產業研究員。專家小組提出擬出之運算思維能力包括九個向度,分別為:問題解決、拆解問題、演算法、資料表示、資料分析、模組化及模擬、抽象化、自動化、與其他領域之關係。各學習年段必要具備之運算思維能力共49項,包含國小階段13項,國中階段9項及高中階段27項;另有選備能力8項,分別於國中階段1項及高中階段7項。本研究結果可作為未來12年國民教育資訊科技課程擬定之參考。The objective of this study is to design a computational thinking curriculum standard for K-12 education. The Delphi technique was employed to collect different views and derive consensus from a panel of thirteen experts, including computer scientists, computer science educators, K-12 computer teachers, and industry experts. The first draft of Delphi survey questionnaire consists of nine themes (problem solving, problem decomposition, algorithms, data representation, data analysis, modeling and simulation, abstraction, automation and others) and 60 competence indicators, was developed based on our investigation of the nature of computational thinking. After three-rounds of survey and a final round-table discussion, the expert panel derived 49 essential competence indicators (13 for grades K to 6, nine of grades 7 to 9 and 27 of grades 10 to 12) and eight optional competence indicators (one for grades 7 to 9 and seven for grade 10 to 12). The results serve as useful references for developing Taiwan’s new K-12 computing curriculum.資訊科技課程中小學運算思維大慧調查法Computing CurriculumK-12 educationComputational ThinkingDelphi Survey中小學資訊科技課程運算思維內涵規劃Computational Thinking Curriculum for K-12 Education -- A Delphi Survey