鄧守信Shou-Hsin Teng盧俊宏Jyunhong Lu2019-08-282010-8-192019-08-282010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695240132%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86437對於現代漢語的存現句,過往學者多以語義和表層詞組的線型結構來定義之,而未能深究語義結構和句法結構如何互動。在缺乏漢語存現句的發現程序下,前人往往直指某類句子為存現句,一方面誇大漢語存現句的表層結構特徵,一方面也未能從功能上對應其他語言的存現句。 本文從語言類型學出發,輔以形式語法和功能語法對於存現句的討論,從言談和語言共性的層面探討存現句的語言普遍性,進而從言談和信息結構的角度切入,論證所謂的存現句是一個語言系統中用以調節信息結構的句法機制。本文指出存現句的功能在於將一個帶有新信息的所指引入言談中。具體的操作過程則有賴於信息包裝(information packaging)(Chafe,1976),意即說話者如何組織句子內部的信息結構,妥善地傳達新信息,使得言談溝通得以順利進行。 本文在最上層將漢語存現句分做存在和隱現兩類,並於其下再根據動詞次類的不同和語義內涵劃分次類,同時論述了各種存現句如何從語義到句法、句法乃至於表層信息結構的生成歷程。其中存在句包括「有字句」、「’是’存現句」、「姿勢動詞句」和「移位動詞句」。隱現句之下則區分「出現句」、「消失句」、「分裂主語句」和「氣象句」。最後,還有一類衍生的存現結構「緊湊句」。 存現句在華語教學中常常安排在初期的課程中。但是目前華語教材對於漢語存現句語法點的描寫、言談功能的介紹乃至於次類的劃分仍是眾說紛紜。再者,有鑑於存現句調節信息結構的功能,而漢語的表層結構又多受信息結構的影響,因此有必要明確地定義現代漢語存現句的句法結構以及詞序變換的動因,使華語學習者在學習華語的初期便能在習得漢語存現句的同時開始接觸漢語的信息結構,稗使華語學習者最終能夠達到高水平的漢語能力。With respect to the study of existential sentences in modern Chinese, the field of Chinese linguistics commonly defines them in terms of semantics and the linear structure of word order in surface structure without considering the interface between semantic structure and syntactic structure. As a consequence of the absence of a discovery procedure of existential sentences in Chinese, previous researchers have tended to identify some sentences as existential sentences, failing to emphasize the importance of surface structure and the lack of functional correspondence to existential sentences of other languages. This thesis starts with language typology and assists with the studies of formal grammar and functional grammar. I discuss the language universals from the perspective of discourse and informational structure and demonstrate that the existential sentence is a syntactic device used to modify information structures in a language. This thesis points out that the function of existential sentences is to bring a referent carrying new information into a discourse. This goal is realized through the process called “information packaging,”(Chafe,1976) which is how speakers arrange the information structures within sentences and then convey new information in order to make to make conversations flow more smoothly. This thesis distinguishes two kinds of existential sentences in Chinese in the highest level of categorization: presence versus appearance and disappearance. Then, I subcategorize existential sentences according to the category of the verb and its semantic content. Moreover, I expound on how existential sentences are generated from semantic structure to syntactic structure and finally onto the information structure in the surface structure. Presence includes: “you sentence”, “shi sentence”, “posture verbs sentence”, “movement verb sentence”. Appearance and disappearance includes: “appearance”, “disappearance”, “split subject sentence” and “weather sentence”. Lastly, there is a type of derived existential sentence called “contracted sentences”. Existential sentences are usually put in early lessons; however, opinions on the prescription of Chinese existential sentences, the introduction of the discourse function of existential sentences, and even the sub-categories of existential sentences in textbooks, are sharply divided. Furthermore, in view of the facts that existential sentences function to modify information structure and that the surface structure of Chinese sentences are affected by information structure, it is consequently necessary to define the syntactic structure and the motivations of word order change so as to make Chinese learners contact the information structure of Chinese during the initial stages of learning so that Chinese learners can reach a high standard of Mandarin proficiency by the end of their studies.存現句格語法詞序信息結構existential sentencescase grammarword orderinformation structure現代漢語存現句及其次結構Existential Sentence in Modern Chinese and its Sub-structures