黃能堂Huang, Neng-Tang李盈潔Lee, Ying-Chieh2019-09-032016-7-292019-09-032014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060171044H%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/96674工商業社會組織成員面臨日益嚴峻的工作壓力挑戰,導致個人與工作生活失衡,如何增進員工幸福感成為管理的新興議題。資訊科技的發達造成人們的工作與非工作領域越來越模糊,超時工作為國人普遍的經驗,在工作場合中使員工產生工作狂傾向的行為。本研究旨在探討工作狂傾向對於員工幸福感之預測力,以A公司之客戶服務中心台灣區之員工做為樣本,共回收126份有效問卷。研究發現工作狂傾向與幸福感之主要直接關係並無顯著,重視成果與專注自我能預測幸福感,工作生活平衡可分別作為幸福感之預測變項與工作狂傾向之結果變項,乃是本論文之重要結果。本研究建議未來A公司可多重視基層主管及服務年資深員工之工作福祉,且將工作狂傾向量表作為人力資源發展策略工具,並對工作狂傾向與幸福感作更深入廣泛探究。People in this country usually work overtime, and this makes employees getting workaholic behavior in the workplace. In the modern society people have received heavy pressure from work, and thus the imbalance between work and life had been made. The improved technology causes increasingly blurred circumstance in both working and resting time This study aimed to investigate the prediction of workaholism for the well-being of employee, and considered A company customer service center in Taiwan area as the survey sample. The result reveals that there is no significant between workaholism and well- being. Additionally, the well-being can be predicted value on result and attention on self-behavior. Work life balance can be regarded as the predictive variable of well-being and criterion variable of workaholism. The result of the study indicate that A company shall concern about elementary supervisors’ and senior employees’ work benefits, and makes depth research on well-being and workaholism.工作狂工作狂傾向工作生活平衡幸福感WorkalicWorkaholismWork life balanceWell-being工作狂傾向、工作生活平衡與幸福感之相關研究The study of Workaholism, Work Life Balance and Well-being