李櫻王麗雅Li-ya Wang2019-09-032005-7-252019-09-032005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0068821028%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/97286摘 要 本研究旨在從語法化的角度探討漢語「好」字的多義性及其語法和言談功能.本研究檢視了「好」在當代及歷代漢語中的分佈現象.當代漢語的語料包括書面語及口語.本文指出「好」當代口語中主要的功能為言談標記(discourse marker),在書面語中主要的功能為謂語形容詞(predicative adjective).歷代漢語的語料包含了漢語發展的六個時期的文獻.從文獻的觀察中發現,「好」在上古前期就已具備四種語法功能:及物動詞,名詞,非謂形容詞及謂語形容詞.「好」的其他功能的發展如下:副詞功能出現於中古前期,表同意的言談標記功能出現於中古晚期,作為動詞補語及與感官動詞合併成為複合形容詞的現象則出現在近代漢語. 雖然「好」字在漢語中具有多重意義及諸多語法及言談功能,本文指出這些功能及「好」的多義性均可經由語法化理論獲得解釋.「好」的副詞功能是由非謂形容詞功能經過隱喻(metaphor),換喻(metonymy),結構重新分析(structural reanalysis)及頻率效應(frequency effects)而來.「好」的動語補語功能亦是由非謂形容詞功能透過同樣的機制發展而來.除了發展出動詞補詞功能以外,「好」的非謂形容詞功能亦透過上述機制及說話者的主觀化現象(subjectification)發展出言談標記功能.Abstract This study aims to investigate hao's polysemy and its various syntactic and discourse functions based on the framework of grammaticalization theory. In this study, hao's meanings and functions in both modern Chinese and diachronic Chinese are examined. Data of synchronic Chinese include hao's distribution in both written and spoken discourse. It is found that in modern Chinese, hao serves mainly as a discourse marker in spoken discourse (37%), and a predicate in written discourse (34%). Other functions of hao observed in modern Chinese include, hao as a transitive verb, a noun, an attribute, an adverb, and a verb complement. For hao's distribution in diachronic Chinese, selected texts from six stages of Chinese are examined. It is found that as early as in Early Old Chinese, hao's exhibited four syntactic uses: transitive verb, noun, attribute, and predicate. Some more functions of hao are found along the development of the Chinese language. Another function of hao, i.e. hao's adverbial use, is observed in Pre-Middle Chinese. In Late Middle Chinese, hao's function as an agreement and acceptance marker is seen. And in Pre-Modern Chinese, two more uses of hao emerge, i.e., hao's use as a verbal complement and its co-occurrence with sense verbs to form stative verb compound. Despite the seemingly diverse functions and meanings of hao, this study instantiates that these various functions and meanings are related with the account of grammaticalization. The evolved syntactic uses of hao, i.e. the adverbial use and the verbal complement are the collaboration of metaphorization, metonymization, structural reanalysis and frequency effects. The discourse marker functions of hao also develop from hao’s predicate function for pragmatic reason. That is, they are used to serve speaker’s needs for expressing subjectification and intersubjectification. Our observation of hao’s grammaticalization phenomenon accords with the view that language is dynamic and always in flux. Structures and meanings of a linguistic form are not prerequisites for discourse, but are shaped by discourse in an ongoing process.語法化多義性grammaticalizationpolysemy漢語「好」的多義性及語法化現象The Polysemy and Grammaticalization of 'Hao' in Mandarin Chinese